"About GPS Glitch, I notice something strange.
When my copter is for away from me (more than 400m) and I do a RTL, my copter isn't tilting as hard as in Loiter when a GPS Glitch occurs, in fact with RTL it's moving slowly comparing to Loiter with a…"
I read this for the AC3.1-rc6 release notes "GPS failsafe options to trigger AltHold instead of LAND or to trigger LAND even if in flight mode that does not require GPS"
Could you explain why checking /triggering GPS failsafe if you're…"
"I've made another test with autotune, but the new result wasn't as good as the previous one, horizon was wobbling when flying straight. Maybe because when I was autotuning, I needed to reposition my copter some more times.One strange thing (or maybe…"
"I made a test today of AC 3.1-rc3. Alt Hold seems to be improved from 3.0.1 with a better feeling in Throttle adjustment. I just changed THROTTLE_IN_DEADBAND to 50 and PILOT_VELZ_MAX to 500I also tried the AUTO_TUNE, the result with my TBS (Quad V…"
"Hi Randy,I was looking at the 3.1.0-rc2 code, to see how GPS glitch were handled, and I notice several things : - gps_hdop_good is not check when entering in a mode that need GPS - when copter is already in a mode that need GPS, where's no check…"
"Hello Gabor,
I made a custom version of MinimOSD, with the following things :
- RSSI either from APM or from MISO PIN for PWM RSSI like FrSKy
- Flight Time when throttle is above 10%
- Temperature
- Climb rate
- Percentage of battery available with…"
"Big thanks to the dev. team and to Randy for his advice to change my setup for something more powerfull. I'm now flying 4S, and with my 9x5x3 propellers, I don't have any vibrations anymore. So I manage to fly 60km/h at 2m or less above the ground,…"
"I don't know if it's the best place for this, I made a vibration test today, with the same frame, same vibration dampener, same battery, I only change my propeller.
The first flight (green : 2013-08-08 18-51 5.log) was done with Graupner 10x5…"
"Hi Randy,
I was looking at my logs for MOT messages, and I saw that the maximum PWM is cropped at 1865. My ESC are configured to run from 1100 to 1900, but I can change them to have a max PWM at 1865 instead of 1900, but I was wondering why is there…"
"Hi all,
I've got a big difference between pich in and pitch, but I don't have those big difference with roll in and roll. I'm using a TBS frame, do you know what could be the reason ?
Thanks,2013-08-01 20-15 1_pitch.png2013-08-01 20-15 1.log"
"I've been using Arducopter 3.0 for several flights, and it's also very nice in hard conditions (big speed, tight turn, flip, ...). I have some GPS glitch problem and a strange behavior even with WPNAV_ACCEL to 100 and Loiter PID to 0.2. Usually…"
"I mostly use Arducopter with an APM2.5, and I'll be soon using my old APM2.0 with a Funcub. There are several things very nice with Arducopter I didn't find in Arduplane like UserCode and UserVariables to implement some custom code, and COPTER_LEDS…"
"Hi Randy,
Congratulation for the team great work ! I just uploaded v3.0, and I was wondering if for logging RAW data it was the same command (enable RAW) than 2.9.1b, because I can't enable RAW, strange ?
One last question, before till v2.9.1b I…"
"I posted this problem a while ago arducopter-2-8-released?commentId=705844, because I had the same problem with Naza. To solve it I put a small black box on my Naza FC."