I created a very basic auto flight plan with only a few waypoints.
I take off and setup in a hover. Then I activate auto mode via a switch. The copter just go's straight up in the air very high. it then doesn't seem to proceed to the way points.
I can't seem to get my quad to fight wind. I have a knob set to adjust loiter rate p and set it to min 3.0 and max 7. When I setup in a hover / loiter I get blown around by wind. adjusting the loiter rate p doesn't seem to do a thing.
Props make a huge difference. I moved from cheapy flisy 12x3.8 props to 13x4APC props. Due to PID tuning it was barely flyable. But was much more efficient!
My question is when moving from 12x6 to these 13x4APC props, how do you recommend tuning the