"Hello Patrick,
I have BBCore + My own Baseboard (built for 9€) + sensors (sonar+pressure+imu+optical flow) + 2.4GhzModule (with RSSI) for only 120€. I will share some pictures later.
I think BBCore is best than BBBlue, BBCore is samall and it can be optimized. (http://beaglecore.com/)
Adding sensors (like IMU) to the main board is not good, we should have hardward layer (Sensors, RF, ...)
"i used my own program based on open source solutions.
I connected PRU 30 pin (i used only 8 pins) to an isolator ( i tried different isolators).
the same issue like : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/beagleboard/FGeL6jzOcB0…"
"Thanks for sharing PWM info. i'm using ehpwm driver i wil share it later.
What is the performance of Spi (SpiDev)?
Why the choice of Debian Wheezy, how time takes to boot?"
"The IDE work only on windows!i use eclipse with arduino plug-in, you can use it on windows/linux.
Eclipse is a powerful tool, i used it with java, c++, android, ..."
Hi,I have successfully tested my software with the new MPU-6000.So the old sensors that i used are for sale.MPU-6050 breakoutIMU-3000(ADXL345 & IMU3000) with HMC5843If you are interested contact me.DSC_0005.JPGDSC_0004.JPG
"I used MPU-6050 with Gumstix (I2C at 400khz), i had latency to get all data in 1ms, i tried to make my breakout but the soldering is difficult.
Why Diy Drones not purpose a breakout for these sensor?"