"And its because of guys like this that made me get rid of all my gear and not want to deal with it any more. Great rant guys couldn't agree more with you."
"I agree with Dave also they clearly stated how you can use it with out getting into trouble. I find it interesting how it was targeted at the Aircraft side and not a ground vehicle side. Whats to stop some one from using a Tank or a truck for the…"
"Just an FYI this is not my build. Just wanted to share it with you guys. I think its baud is fast enough you can do Telem on it although it would be 1 way unless you had 2 "radio's" setup."
"If your willing to still have a PC available you can stream your APM to ethernet with ser2net the only issue i have is its TCP but works extremely well. I currently don't have a transmitter that is not on the 2.4 band so I cant use it to its full…"