"I turn this to 115200,but there is another problem: I use this command:./str2str -in serial://ttyUSB0:9600:8:n:1:off#ubx -out serial://ttyAMA0:57600:8:n:1:off#rtcm3 -msg 1002,1006,1013,1019 -p 31.94270531 118.78575612 30.814
but there is just RTCM…"
"Hello Michael,
I can't believe that you replied my question. I just watch you name every time I use the Mission Planner! Thank you!
By the way,I have done as what you said,but failed.I found the most important question is the rover…"
Hi all,Here is a file explain what I have down and the problem I have meet.Canyou give me some advice? Thank you very much!Some problem about the RTKLIB STRSVR and RTKNAV.doc
Hello everyone: In the AC3.3 we can save the flowx,flowy from the PX4FLOW,but I want to save the sonar data and the PX4FLOW's flow_comp_m_x,flow_comp_m_y in the Pixhawk,What should I do?Can you hlep me?