"My favorite part was when they decided to do nothing for 3 years, and then they decided to implement "emergency legislation", so that they won't need to listen to public comments."
"The pebble app can only be installed through the DroidPlanner settings menu. The pebble obviously needs to be connected to do this, which means the pebble app needs to be installed on the device. Do you get any error message when you try it?"
"I believe the wording is that you cannot take-off or land in a national park. You should be *technically* safe if you just fly over (and don't crash)."
"While Pixhawk with its 32-bit architecture, faster processor, more memory, etc., is shaping up to be the successor to earlier APM-supported hardware, it’s still not quite ready for multi-duty aircraft where you need to hot swop configurable sensors.…"
"Turning other people’s drones into zombies requires a Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 quadricopter, which weighs less than a pound, a Rasberry Pi, a USB battery, an Alfa AWUSO36H wireless transmitter, aircrack-ng, nod-ar-drone, node.js and Kamkar’s SkyJack…"
"So I was about to upgrade my 9x. What type of module should I be looking for to work well with the pixhawk? PPM or S.BUS (I assume it would be ill-advised to get a PWM system any more)?"