"I have tested this. In AC3.3, there isn't MNT_MODE but MNT_DEFAULT_MODE. And DO_SET_ROI functions the same as AC3.2. Just like wp_1 roi wp_3. And if you want another ROI, then you can do like this : wp_1 roi_1 wp_3 roi_2 wp_5 roi_3…"
"it seems that we can't regain manual control of the gimbal , after doing ROI, or "point camera here".To my understanding of AP_Mount library code, after the ROI mavlink command, mount get into "target_gps_point"mode."
"Hi, Lars, have you tested DO_SET_ROI with Storm32 connected to Pixhawk running AC3.3-r10? Does it function the same as it in APM 3.2? Just like , mission plan:wp_1 roi wp_2, and during this course , if set MNT_MODE to ‘target_gps_point’, then…"
"Hi Graham,
when i use code of Ardu Plane, in mission planner, the command DO_SET_ROI doesn't exist, how can i deal with this?I want my 3 axis gimbal to point at ROIs. "