Good news!
The beauty of this community is on the collaboration. This new firmware proves it.
I have the pleasure of announcing that "ArduCAM OSD" and "MinimOSD-Extra" teams are now working together to make MinimOSD better and better.
I've been planning this fusion with Gábor Zóltan and Pedro Santos and we've started a nice friendship.
We spend the latest days merging and retouching everything to improve your experience with the new firmware. The Wiki was also updated for matching the new resources.
What's up?
You'll se all those awesome improvements from MinimOSD-Extra as well as improvements we made together.
The latest one is the new auto detection and updating of the EEPROM mapping .
From now on both OSD Firmware and ArduCAM OSD Config Tool will share the same internal signature.
So, both will detect the need for an EEPROM remapping preventing from loading or saving truncated data.
After a firmware upgrading the OSD Config Tool will detect an outdated mapping updating it automatically.
If you update your firmware by other way, the new firmware will alert you on screen and the Config Tool will repair automatically before you load anything from the EEPROM.
Update your MinimOSD right now. The most important: Have fun!
Important NOTES:
- After install the new "ArduCAM OSD Config Tool" remember that you need to update the Character Set. A new one is available on the install folder. From now on it will be always there as "OSD_Charset.mcm".
- Both sides of the MinimOSD need to be powered during a Character Set updating. Max7456's internal memory is really picky about voltage level during a charset update.
Download it from here:
Hey guys, I recently got this CRIUS Mavlink OSD that I have problem with the fonts like they are snowing, wasted 2 days till i found the review on banggood. Step by step that works for me as below,
1. Use arduino IDE to clear the EEPROM first
- download from
- go to tools > port > select the right com port
- board > select arduino pro or pro mini
- processor > select > atmega 328 (5v, 16Mhz)
- download the EEPROM_Clear.ino file from KVrush OSD which is made for
multiwii board (
- click file > open > select the .ino file you downloaded just now, it will
open a new window once u opened it
- below the "edit" tab, there's a right hand arrow, click that to upload
the clear file into your osd,
- once done you will see "done upload" or something like that at the bottom
green bar
2. Prep your FTDI with 5V mode(must be 5V), when connect, you must supply
5V to the video side too! just pull the 5V from the FTDI will do
3. Start the Minim OSD config tool (im using ver 2.4)
4. Click "READ FROM OSD" first before you flash anything, this step is
5. Then you may flash the latest firmware, then flash the latest charset
that comes with your config tool
6. Configure your osd settings/menus/items, be sure to select the right PAL
or NTSC, then click "SAVE CURRENT TAB TO OSD", i clicked twice though
7. Try and it and done! Let's go for beer!
This step by step was initially introduced by DeWe07 and i expanded it with
more details. Thanks so much to DeWe07! and Minim OSD SW developer for the note on 5V on both side.
At the same time I tried it on my friend's green color board minim osd, doesn't need to clear the eeprom, but both mavlink and video side must have 5V input when flashing charset, using 5v on mavlink + 12V on video side didn't work!

@ Joe Sleator -
Yes , before I post here I spend almost 7 for 8 hours on the net and I probably make a round about it , I think now that's my serial connection to the OSD wich cause my issue , I can flash the .hex file into the Atmel328 in the OSD , but I cannot connect to the OSD via serial port because my adapter don't work properly to be tested later I order a pair of brand new serial / ftdi arduino adapter , and I hope this will fix my issue :)
This make me learn about EEPROM in the Atmega series µcontroleur , helpfull in arduino prototyping :)
The big mistake was I didn't make a backup of the original code into an .hex file in case of ... shame on me :)
I'll come back as soon my order will be delivered and re testing again :)
@Dj-garfield -
I'm no expert on how the MinimOSD works, but did you google that error message? "EEPROM Outdated"?
Maybe have a look at the source and search for that message.
I, too, am wondering how the EEPROM image can be corrected if it becomes corrupted. My guess is that Avrdude should be able to erase the memory addresses associated with the EEPROM, given the correct command. Seems that somehow your bootloader also got itself hosed. I wonder if it's the same bootloader used in other APM boards?
@Nathaniel Caner -
Thanks a bunch for the advice! Currently running the top one on this list:
Seems to work OK on my TALI with the 3DR telemetry setup. I might try the version you suggest as long as it's not likely to be worse. I really like how they have decided to bitmap the individual characters to provide a better artificial horizon. Reminds me of my days learning to program on my VIC and C64! At least I think theyre redefining them on the fly, without checking the source. Wouldn't have thought there'd be enough time for that!
Hello DIY mate :)
I had spend many many hours trying to upgrade this MinimOSD ( I love it :) ), but I have some big troubles :
1/ at the begening => allways "can't talk to bootloader"I googleise so many and many tricks to be able to flash the board with an AVR programer = 0 , I finaly flashed with an old Arduino Board , and AvrDude comand line it's worked I have the Extra 2.2 ArduCam Inside .
But =>
2/ Since I made this , I plug the OSD to my APM2.6 , and => Black Screen , I thought that the MAX chip was burned ... nop cause when I press the reset button , I see on the screen :
"EEPROM Mapping is Outdated ..."
So , I start the Conf tool to test ... again "can't talk to bootloader" , updating EEPROM start , end without errors ... but On screen there is still "EEPROM Outdated bla bla " ...
Do I come back to the 2.0 FW ? or anyone have an Idea about this issue ?
Edit :
I come back to the 2.0 FW ... Still the same :( ...
Thanx in advance for your help :) and Happy fly to all :)
Hi Joe,
Go to the bottom of the Topic Description at the top of the page here and you will see a link "MinimOSD-Extra R800", be sure to take note of the username and password (both are case sensitive).
Be aware these are bug fix releases and haven't seen much (if any) testing.
Nathaniel ~KD2DEY
So, where is the "latest" minimOSD firmware for download?
Let's say someone has the latest Arduplane or Arducopter. What is the URL for the minimOSD FW which goes with that?
Sorry, left out the url for the 3 MinimOSD-Extra items I have used successfully, me not being specific enough's the top 3 items with the release numbers mentioned in the post above in the 4th paragraph at the top.
Thanks for the kind reply!
I tried the versions available here (2.0):
And also here (2.2):
The problem with both is that the "mode switch" screen change would not work, and the "flight mode" panel item would not display.
Neither of those worked with my version of APM which is 3.1.5 circa 14 December 2013.
The firmware that came with the minimOSD appeared to work, but I un-knowingly replaced it thinking there were better versions.
So, under MinimOSD Extra, there are quite a few downloads;
The first 3 items in the list at this URL, essentially the FW Hex 2.4, Configuration Tool r727, and Character Set 2.4 bitmaps are the ones I have just tried.
They require some custom APM parameter settings, apparently to make them work. Not sure why, since the other release doesn't seem to. Just a bit concerned that those extra settings will increase the processing load on the autopilot.
Anyway, I installed those, and they worked a treat. Mode switch is fine, and flight mode displays fine.
But can I ask, what minimOSD fw/config version would one install to match the latest version of arducopter? How does one find this out for themselves? The announcement in this thread implies that the version mentioned above is the latest and greatest, incorporating the MinimOSD-Extra changes, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
> Unfortunately as mavlink changes, one needs newer firmware.
Certainly true. So, where is this newer firmware for the latest version of Mavlink running in APM2.x?
What FW do you run, and on what version of APM? Is there, perhaps, a table somewhere of which goes with what? Or do we need to browse the source to figure out compatibility?
You will need to be more specific about the versions you are using. Its quite confusing for me to figure out exactly what versions you are using.
When you say "But seeing this announcement", im guess you might be referring to the latest Arducam , which is *very old*. THe problem is since that time new flight mods have come along. Each flightmode has a number which appears in mavlink, the old versions dont know about new flight modes as they dont have the this number = flight mode as text and other similar problems.
Unfortunately as mavlink changes, one needs newer firmware.
There seems to be another issue with getting this working on "2.0".
Before, I was playing around with the "extra" firmware, having flashed MinimOSD Extra Copter 2.2.hex and "Latest Charset.mcm" on the "extra" site.
The original FW that was loaded, and the "Extra" FW mentioned above, both would display the current flight mode, and seemed to do other things quite well.
But seeing this announcement, I decided to try this one, and I simply cannot get the current flight mode to display. If I plug in my 3DR radio to the same telemetry port and connect it to Droidplanner, the current flight mode displays with no issues, same with MP on the desktop. Other items seem to display fine.
I've also tried this with the "MinimOSD_22.hex" with identical results.
Can anyone make a declaration about which version is "dead" and which version is being maintained?