A place for West Australian UAV / UAS enthusiasts or businesses to discuss topics, arrange meets or share experiences.

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  • Flew the Penguin on Saturday.  Really nice and smooth and easy to fly.

    Don't know if you have seen the new Australian distributor.


    I have spoken to the proprietor a couple of times.  He is from WA and is moving back soon.

    Also this is my new flying site:

    47 Axis Parade

    Neerabup WA 6031
    Just google it in Maps and see what it is like

  • Hi Nick - How about a Penguin.  I have not flown mine yet however there is oodles of room and the plane seems well designed.

  • Just a few goodies :P. The skywalker is flying nicely though I'm tempted by the X8. 

     I am impressed by PX4's architecture though i haven't got enough out of my ardupilot yet.

    I am also probably placing a $200 order from BEVRC meaning if anyone wants to add anything, postage is free!

  • I wish.... but i'm already over budget this month mate. Cheers for the offer!

    Any new toys this year? I want to give the PX4 a go next!

  • Hey guys. Hope you are all well.

    Done anyone need anything from the diydrones store? I'm just about to place an order.

    We should have a meet-up in the near future :)

  • Actually by the time 2014 rolls around I think I will have be committed :-)

    You knew what I meant

  • @Hai Tran - believe me I will not waste your time if I cannot be committed.  Your offer of sponsorship is very generous.

  • I guess you can easily question my commitment as I have not made a fly-in yet however I would really like to give this a go.  I have family members in Northern NSW with campervans and I am sure that I can coerce them to give us a hand with the logistics.

    Not there there is anything easy about the challenge however I was thinking of not making it a university Phd thesis but a more simple easy to maintain and run effort.  Single camera, reliable FPV and radio control links, and electric propulsion.

    I have some ideas about payload delivery as I think this is the huge neglected part of many teams efforts.  They put a massive effort into finding Joe but nothing into accurately delivering the payload other than a water bottle on a hanky parachute.

    We need to make similar effort in finding Joe as dropping the bottle.  I am thinking a JDAM is the idea.


  • @Hai - if uni students can't find the time, I am getting worried that I have underestimated how much is required!! I work full time and have 2 young kids, so maybe it will be too much. UAV's are my passion, but it has to fit in with other commitments.

    I'll message Tridge to see what kind of hours he needed to put in for the 2012 challenge.

  • Moderator

    @Stephen, my staff and I are all MAAA members.  We have an MAAA flying instructor on the team, so the gold wings requirement isn't an issue

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Hi AllPurchased a FlyPro X600 and I am trying to sort out what would be the most suitable camera to use for FPV and some video/stills photography.  The supplier has wired it up for a GoPro 3.  That model is a little out of date but a good camera to start with although if I am going to purchase a camera I would like to only spend on a one of that last for sometime.  I have had a look at the specs for the for what I will be flying it for Sony FDR-X1000V.  The software has stabilisation and some…

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UAV Long Range Video

I don't know if you have all seen the write up by CanberraUAV however Andrew replied to a question with this:"Comment by Andrew Tridgell 11 hours ago@Stephen,We ran the Ubiquity radios in normal AirMax mode. We used it to send UDP packets encapsulating a protocol we invented for the event that we call block_xmit. That is a reliable block sending protocol that is particularly good in high packet loss environments. We got about 25% packet loss during the flight, so sending images and data using…

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APM2 board: not able to get past radio calibration step. please help.

Would anybody be able to help me with Mission Planner comms to APM2 board? I've hit a hump that is troubling me. I'm not able to get past radio calibration step on new board and gear (Turnigy 9ch). I've got considerable IT experience and some APM1 successes but this prob is a B. Could just be a faulty dataflash card or PC security jamming actions, Be great to hear your thoughts 9453 3580problem described at http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/no-bars-to-calibrate-radio-signal...CheersBrett

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