
              • Hi.

                I've reflashed the Teeensy with your files. Checked the firmware versione of the Taranis and is 2.0.13. The script changed value A. From the Teensy and Pixhawk i can read well the value of HDOP, HDG, Voltage and Altitude, but i can't read Fuel A3 and A4.

                Tried also with brand new model, same attitude.

                I've installed Arducopter 3.2.

                I've tried also with an old APM 2.5, but still the same.

                I've an headhache. I know i'm asking you a lot, but i can't find alone the solution...


                • Hi. I've soldered a new Teensy 3.1 and flashed with your sketch. Now FUEL work and after changed the mode on the script, when i change mode on the Pixhawk i can see the confirmation on the radio. Still doesn't work A4 and A5, so no roll, but now the value isn't 180 but 1; but the important thing is the mode confirmation.

                  Thank you for your help.

                  Now i have to find how change the timer to display only the motor time and not the mode time.


                  • Glad you managed to work out.

                    That issue with the A registers still puzzles me.

                    Please note that you have several timers. One for each flight mode (on the top line) and one for time the vehicle is armed (I assume that armed corresponds to motor on).

    • hi,

      I've tried with different firmware on Taranis and on the Pixhawk, but the problem persist.

      please be carefully with older taranis firmwares than 2.0.13. because on older firmware for example 2.0.12 it can happens that your radio reboot unexpected while you execute the telem1.lua script.

      • Thank you Wolke. i've reloaded the 2.0.13

  • Hi there,

    I was wondering if it is somehow possible to share one telemetry bus on the pixhawk for two devices with a Y-cable. I wasnt able to get it to work. The idea is to have the Teensy in unity with the MinimOSD on Telemetry 1 or 2. I connected the teensy without the TX - so RX an GND only. And the MinimOSD as well but including TX. Teensy didnt work. I have also a 433 link on the other Telemetry bus.

    Does it work in general? Do I need different code on the Teensy? Would be great to have OSD and feedback on the Taranis and a Bluetooh or 433 Telemetry link.

    Any positive hints? Would be great :)


  • Rolf there is a new PPM encoder firmware for the APM which supports SBUS now. Not sure if you already have it.

    There is a copy on my Google Docs, Link in the footer of my site also I have uploaded a video to YouTube showing how to use it.

    • Hi

           tried this conversion and it works well

       But now the cli in mission planner is not working.

      maybe i wont sell the sbus/ppm converter  just yet


      • AFAIK cli was removed due to space usage, since 3.2-rc1 9-May-2014

        • Hi Manuel Ribeiro

            Thanks for the information

          and yes i did update the firmware  to 3.2 at the same time and wrongly blamed the sbus/APM conversion for cli fail.


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