My new TriCopter made its first long-duration test flight today, fully autonomous. Using APM2.8, ArduCopter 3.2.1, APM Planner2 on linux. It flew the same 15 minute mission repeatedly until the battery got low. After letting the battery recover fo
First post (possibly of many!), just to see if anyone else has encountered issues with the Minihawk/Pixhawk Mini, when connecting the GPS/Compass or the 3DR telemetry.
From the WIKI: EKF / DCM Check Failsafe Copter 3.2 adds a DCM heading check and an EKF (Extended Kalman Filter - Pixhawk only) check to catch flyaways caused by a bad heading estimate......
I received two errors simultaneously in my log. ERR: EKF_CHECK-
I am building a quad using APM 2.8 and a 10 channel PPM transmitter (FlySky FS-i6S). I have configured the channels on the transmitter , and set the parameters on Mission Planner (1.3.41) for the auxiliary channels.
I have been working on a small blog about remote sensing and airborne survey. It has a focus on UAV remote sensing, and general trends in the airborne survey industry. Its a work in progress, and I will be adding new content regularly. If a
Please see the picture below; One of the two accelerometers (we think the one from the externam ublox gps module) is not calibrating like it should. We are not able to reach half+ of the measurement points/ white dots.
For a university project, my team and I are working on a self made multicopter drone with wings. The benefits are obvious (longer flight time, greater distance). Also, we will build it so it can sustain difficult weather conditions.
I am currently working on a hexacopter. After completing the assembly I tried to calibrate the motors. One of the motors didn't spin properly and smoke started coming from it. This happened twice. I don't know if the problem is with the motor or th
I wasn't sure where to put this as far as category but, I need a recommendation I am wanting to replace my CC3D Revolution on my 550 with something APM. So I am needing a recommendation from you guys. These are the things I am wanting.
When I pull the stick hard right for the ailerons, the elevator lifts as well. This coupling doesn't show up in the Pixhawk's manual mode, nor for direct receiver control. Is this just part of stabilize mode, or is it a glitch. If it is a glitch,
I had a crazy crash where i lost all my control of the airplane. I am flying Airtech ISOAR one and using all genuine 3DR parts. 48 minutes into the flight i loose control of the airplane, flip the switch to RTL nothing happens and airplane k
I accidentally bought the wrong propellers(Link#1) for my quadrotor motor(Link#2), and since I live outside the US (and other countries where you can easily return items), it is really difficult for me to return them. I need to know if
This is a 3D Printed 450mm Quadcopter i designed back in 2014 but has been on the backburner for the last two years and i just recently got airborne. There´s still some work to be done before it´s finished but it´s already lot´s of fun.