All Discussions (33321)

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Change AV Icon

I am working on a simulator system that interacts with MP through the MAVLink protocol. We have things mostly working now, but one nit we have is that the default Icon shows up as a helicopter. We would like to be able to choose a quad or fixed wing

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Propeller dynamics

Hello everyone!

I have a query since many days. I wanted to know why the moment applied by the propellers is in opposite direction to its rotation . I tried looking for propeller aerodynamics, but was too complex for me. Can anyone guide me regrading

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Canadian SFOCs

I am new to this forum, and have just posted about the FAA practice test to receive a license under part 107. 

In Canada, we do not have such a system as of yet. I struggled for a while to receive an SFOC and spent considerable time going back and for

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Apm 2.6 mac serial ports

   I recently bought an apm 2.6. I downloaded the software and all of the pre setup stuff. Now when I try to connect to the apm wirelessly my computer cant find the serial port from the ground station module. I am running mac El Capitan.


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New to building Drone

though I have flew drones before ,this is my first attempt at building one. I want to build a drone for geological studies. I hope to build it well. My friends are helping me with the mechanics of the drone. Any wise tips and suggestion for building

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All waypoints named HOME


I have a fixed delta wing type airframe running a pixhawk flight controller. I am having trouble with the plane taking off (Hand launching) but not heading to any of the waypoints. Instead it climbs to the takeoff altitude and then does a very lar

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Hi all,

I'm having trouble calibrating my compass on my quadcopter. I'm using an external GPS/compass that I got from China (not 3DR brand). It's attached via a mast to a Pixhawk clone, which I think has the newest firmware (I just updated it on Sun

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Product Review: JJRC H12CH

Product Review: JJRC H12CH



JJRC H12CH is a great little quad-copter that’s really beginner friendly. I’ll first go over some of the bragging features of this quad-copter, then go over my experience with it, from the initial unboxing, to the flight t

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