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Autonomous powered wheelchair

Hi and pls take it easy on my as I am new in this domain ....I have started a project to control a wheelchair using ( roboclaw 2x30A, pixhawk4, 2x24v DC brushed montors) transmitter is frysky 9xD plus and receiver is S-XSR and I have RX8 coming on th

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UAV railway inspection

Zumiao Street, Chancheng District, Foshan, responded to the illegal construction around the Guangmao Railway by starting drones to monitor the buildings along the railways under the jurisdiction of the streets. It only patrolled 10 kilometers in 3 ho

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Maya to drone and back again..


What an amazing place this is, and I hope everyone is well under the circumstances!

I have an idea I would like to bounce off you good people about the possibility of extracting Maya's camera xyz position and rotation co-ordinates and upload it

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