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Sorry, I'm a beginner. Someone can help. I can't start the engines. The receiver is a FrSky X8R, the Taranis X9D transmitter. I would like to know the wiring with Apm Copter Px4. Thanks Mario

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Manned Drone

Did you ever dream of flying freely in the air when you were a child? Now, someone has successfully realized his dream of flying. He is Zhao Deli, who succeeded in inventing a drone capable of carrying people.

This new type of motorcycle/drone, which

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PreArm Fail

Greetings People,

After configuring initial setup and calibrations, I tried to arm my copter, and it failed.

When I went to the flight data screen it displayed that "Servo 9 minimum is greater than trim".

Please does anyone have a solution for this prob

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