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dx7s use aux2 knob for gimbal

hi i hav apm 2.8 using dx7s rc with ar6200.

have a t2d tarrot gimbal and would like to control it with the aux 2 knob on my dx7s.

someone has a idea how can i make the aux 2 control the tilt of the t2d gimbal?


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BLDC motor reccomendation.

Greetings everyone,

I am want to develop a tether hexacopter out of a tarot X6 and I am having problem in choosing the motors. The actual problem is that the companies don't have any record that proves endurance of the motor. I need motors that could

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What motors for P4 Upgrade?

I have a Phantom 4 and without building an entirely new drone, what motors can I put on it to lift about 5-8 lbs?   I'll have to keep the 9.5" props (may be able to use 10" b/c of the small size of the frame.   I'm doing some cargo drops and need to

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