"I wonder if it is really needed to have a completely closed case.. has anyone tried to just make the components waterproof to e.g. fly in rain? (of course this probably won't work if you are actually landing in water)"
Hi there,I'm right now reading a bit of theory on how to design my DIY quadcopters, and came across some interesting things.First, this thread:Pendulum Fallacy and QuadcoptersThis is very interesting, but I'm not sure if anyone had success and how…
the documentation of this project is really horrible, I agree
I have to admit that the openpilot people do a much better job on this, if the documentation would be better I'm sure there would be a lot more ardu* users
Hey,Can anyone explain to me what THR_ALT_I is for? I don't get it..I've set my THR_RATE_P using sonar so that the copter reacts accurate to obstacles, but I'm a bit unsure how ALT_I affects the behaviour, also THR_RATE_D, is this used to dampen the…
Hi there,Can anyone tell me what the difference between ACRO_P and RATE_P is in copter behaviour?ACRO_P is the angle per second, and RATE_P the desired motor thrust, I'm a bit confused, aren't both affecting the same behaviour?How do you distinguish…
Does anyone know what the difference between Arducopter Pids and Arducopter Config is?Trying to configure my first CRIUS AIOP board with megapirate 2.7 and somehow, although I've got I-Gains at zero, the copter always maintains the angle...I'm also…