"@Jordi: Yeah baby! Hey, it's been a long while and I haven't kept up. Hope you guys are happy and healthy and still having loads of fun. Thanks Jordi."
"@Chris: Does the statement "You can even tweak the board to "wirelessly" emulate CTS and RTS signals." mean that wireless programming is achievable? What's the tweak?"
If you read through this site and others, searching for 'arduino' and, for example, 'NewSoftSerial', 'two-way comm', etc., you'll see that an uplink can be added to the ArduPilot. If you can wait however, I'd agree with Chris - the Mega will…"
"Using X-CTU, select Modem Configuration tab and Read Modem Parameters and Firmware:
(appropriate disclaimer goes here ; )
Ground Unit - set your MY - 16-bit Source Address (Networking & Security) to FF, and set API Enable to 1 (Serial Interfacing)…"
"No, no, I think what you're doing is great! Mine was mostly an idea & sw design comment for code construction. I think you're providing an excellent framework for people to add their specifics. I'll throw out an example tho... my psuedocode here…"
"Great stuff Jason. I haven't moved off of 2.0, but have been integrating components from later versions as they're made available. THANKS! It's awesome to see things become stable enough to move from the basics to 'mission type' programming. Are you…"
"@Jordi - sorry for the question on the side, but I'm remembering posts in the early ArduPilot days of mixing/matching comm links - 72MHz RC, 900MHz XBee & 2.4 GHz video. If you've switched to 2.4 GHz RC link, what are you running for XBee and Video…"
"I'll weigh in and say yes to all of the above. Not necessarily easy (but it's only time and money : ), and too much to describe here. But, in a nutshell:
A) Gary is right regarding one pilot, one platform. But all this means is that someone has to…"
"Cool stuff Paul. The Raytheon RAID system has been out there for some time with great success, albeit without the altitude and control component (it's tethered). I've heard directly from warfighters that this system provides benefit, even when…"
"Hey Happy: Maybe your proving that the lack of tilt compensation in the 6352 means that, for angles greater than a degree or so, the compass output algorithm becomes unreliable. But to give it your best shot, I agree with Michael (re: calibration).…"
"Ha! Now THAT makes sense (I don't bet against many on this site). I bought the 6352 knowing it didn't have tilt compensation (save $$), so am running a UGV on mostly flat ground. Honeywell does make a tilt-compensated compass, the HMC6343 (Sparkfun…"
"Hey guys,
Awesome work Happy - have a couple of ArduIMU boards but no uBlox, but just playing right now and hadn't crossed the NAV data bridge yet. Thanks.
Not sure you air boys care about bearing accuracy/smoothing as much as us UGV guys (we have…"