Earl's Posts (38)

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The perfect anti-vibration foam


I found the PERFECT foam for the gyros and mags for anti-vibration on the AreoCopter
You all have heard and seen the commercial for Tempurpedic mattress
where the girl jumps on one end and the glass of wine on the other end
that doesn't spill ?
Look them up on the internet and request a free sample. Perfect size and
it REALLY kills the vibration, especially on ArduCopter.
Put this stuff in the Professional housing box under and around the mega and you will be all set.

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ArduPilot Mega Telemetry on RC Transmitter Screen

What's the Turnigy TH9x or Eurgle 9x or other 9 channel clones good for ?
Well being a $60 transmitter very good. Add some new FW and holy cow !
Here is my modified $60 Eurgle TX.

here is a group wanging it out!

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Dark Star on runway - - - motors running !

Madden AMOST flight of Dark Star.

Finally. my quad is running and being monitored with configurator.

2 x 2200 mah lipo
2 x 90503 props
2 x 90503R prop
My frame
900mhz A/V TX out on one arm.
Video cam in bubble on bottom center.
4- 30A ESC
1- 10A BEC
APMega board
Oil pan Shield
4- EMAX 2822 Motors
AeroQuad software V406
Configurator V2.4

AND REMEMBER there are 4 props turning at once! They are EVERYWHERE !

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ArduCopter meets Wii

Here is an ArduPilotMega coupled with a WII IMU and displayed on the ArduCopter Configuration screen.
This will be inexpensive Quad control.
Add Ping sonar - GPS and dang....a full autonomous quad that takes off, goes to altitude, flies to point A,B,C,Home and then auto-lands !
It is soooo...close to being real for a very low price


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ArduIMU for Quads !

Here is my contribution using a lot of other peoples code and help.
I did find how to interface the Parallax Ping sonar sensor to the IMU board.
Jose has code but for a different sensor. I only had a Ping sensor laying around.
I also read all 8 RC channels to be able to use any for control etc.
Zip file here also.Quad_mini_1_30_rangefinderPINGch8.zip


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Dark Star v2

I have lightened the Quad and made the cargo bay bigger. Still need to do landing gear and put the ArduIMU in to control it.
The electronics bay screws on the top.
Here is some pics.

Very soon for pan and tilt camera. Lots of room.

The electronics bay. It unscrews from the main body.Holds the batteries also.

Clear dome over camera. Now to design a landing gear !

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This may be of interest to the group !


OK people...How is this for the "First Annual EZ* (and More) Fly-In"

May 14 thru May 17 2009 (Friday thru Monday)..... Sunup till Sundown
with night flights optional.

Mountainair,NM 87036 (Center of NM)

75 miles SE of ABQ
Altitude 6500 feet (faster TO and Landings !)

Average sunny days .... 24
Average rain days ....... 5
Average Rain amount < .6 for entire month
Average wind for month 10 mph
Average high .............. 75
Average low ............... 41

Looks like middle of May is good.
No neighbors for over 2 miles and area is quite foot-able for those
pesky run away flights. Plenty of room for RV's or tents, and nice
motels and one hotel in town 3.5 miles away.
Noise is not a problem.......Neighbors are usually quiet.


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After playing with lab view and the ArduPilot with the ArduIMU I have finally managed to get the time lag from the plane to the displayed action on the GroundStation to less than a half a second.
New VI file 1 AM 3/17/2010
Here is my rather crude video.


Here is the new VI for labview
The file name GS = Ground Station mph = Miles per hour FT = feet


Here is my latest version.
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EZ* fly in May 14-17 2010

A lot of people on the EZ* forums are coming to my fly-in here in NM on May 14-17.I would like to invite all the DIY Drones to join us as a lot of you use the EZ* as a platform.160 acres, nearest neighbor 2 miles, nearest town 3.5 miles.2 n/s e/w dirt runways with no trees too close. (crop circle runways !)Plenty of RV/Tent space and good hotel/motels in town.Draw X on state of NM and fly-in is at center.For more info, email earl@uphi.netEarl in snowey NM (6" in 2 days)

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The AutoProp8 has a home almost !

The Parallax Propeller autopilot I have been building is almost ready to test ! Here is a few pictures. Good thing I put 3 electronics bays in this 7 foot monster. There is a LOT.GPS6DOFPressure/Altitude module2 servosMONSTER motorUltrasonic ground sensor900 Mhz cameraOSD on propeller board6 Channel RC RxXBee TransceiverIf anyone here is going to the Parallax Expo West June 26,27 in Rocklin CA ...I will be there hopefully with the B2 monster.Oh...one more thing. I don't know how to fly RC planes so I hope the AP knows it's stuff !

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