"Thanks Leonard and Cala!
Changed my damping pads to moon gel and got less vibration on the X & Y but not that good on the Z. Checked all wires and any possible components that can transfer vibration thru the APM. Still, the problem exists. Any Idea…"
"Hi Leonard,
Thanks! I thought it was still on the vibration limits. Pardon my ignorance, but what do you mean by as I put PID loop if I may ask? I strictly followed the wiki regarding vibration dampening using kyosho zeal. Should I use the 3M foam…"
I am too is experiencing this problem. Has anyone solve this yet? I used to fly AC 3.2 on bigger quads and flies smooth in all modes. Then I recently purchase the fat phantom shell 425mm from infinity hobby and installed my other APM 2.6…"
"Came across this thread and now finally enlightened as to why my copter suddenly lost altitude on Position Hold mode. But how come Marco Robustini's demo of POS hold doesn't have this problem? He was using a F450 frame I believe. So, was it the…"
"Thanks for the insights. It's not that cheap though, you can get for 800-1k USD. DJI store sells it for $999 maybe because of the lightbridge 2 release? How much did you get your LB1 if you don't mind?
"Hi Andreas,
May I ask why would you not buy it again? I was thinking of buying it, however I came across a lot of owners getting dissapointed with it. Thought of getting the LB1 because it's cheaper now.
"Hi Chris,
How did you connect the lightbridge RX to the Pixhawk? Is there a special cable bought online or did you DIY a cable for it?
Also, if I'm using let's say a Futaba 12fg Tx, can I still use all of its channels even when connected to the…"
"Alright!!! Nice work Randy and the Dev Team!
Randy, Does this include "Follow me" mode like the one in the Iris+?
Droidplanner 2 has brought back the follow me feature on it's latest release,
"Hello Randy,
Iv'e been flying my quad for a month now with no problems, running several missions and RTLs with no problems, until this morning. just bought a new batt and wondering how much flight time I would get. after retuning with the new…"
I think I found the problem with my guided mode. My compass offsets are large. I tried to calibrate in different places and several times I can't make it within the -150 to 150 range. I always get like 201, lowest was 196"
"Hello Ben, I've been working out with guided mode too, can seem to figure out why if I switch to guided it banks sideways and forward then won't stay up in the same spot. But I do get e very solid loiter, specially with the latest firmware. Very…"
"Hello, just tested it on my quad. I've got e very solid loiter even in mild wing. Rock solid not moving. But when I flicked the switch to guided mode it just tilted forward, sidewards and then it won't stay on the same place like in loiter. I…"