"Byron, if I were you and the weather was going to be limiting my flight for the next several months, I would wait to buy one but keep my eyes out for deals in the meantime. No sense in rushing to buy a system that's only going to be collecting dust…"
Integration of PX4 optical flow / sonar sensor directly through 3DR SOLO accessory bay connector.Key Disciplines: - Project Manager - UAVCAN scripter - UAVCAN hardware interface guru - PIXHAWK guru - Linux guruOur group is young and yet tiny, but…
"I start my Masters of Science in Unmanned Systems at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Jan 2016, I am immensely grateful to the Veterans Administration for their sponsorship!"
"Has anyone integrated a remote microphone to record audio on ground in sync with GoPro? I know of wireless microphones for GoPro but they use the USB port that Solo connects with."
"Can someone suggest a method for integration of a remote microphone with solo/gopro? I'm trying to have a mic on the ground for realtime audio in sync with GoPro streaming video, starting and stopping remotely with GoPro control from ground station?"
"i think the spinning frame will present some flat spin issues. why not tilt the wings 90 degrees and take off like a quadcopter then transition to fixed wing flight?"
"wow i didn't know you can stream coordinates through google earth like that, what is the real time refresh-rate for google earth? Can you post a video of your set up through google earth?
I've seen the clip-on satellite cell phone cases, so you…"
"Thing I wonder would be a challenge is that iridium is designed to work via mobile app, so I imagine it might not be so straight forward to rely telemetry from iridium->mobile phone->autopilot.. I fear the mobile device would be a weak link in the…"
"By "FPV telemetry" I'm referring to streaming video and other sensor data from UAV to GCS and simultaneously remote piloting said UAV from said GCS... I don't know what "BRLOS", I assume something to do with Line-Of-Sight? I just started my UAV…"
"That model is a Short-Burst-Data modem.. I believe SBD's are limited to "data bursts" of 2kb or less, and the transmission speeds are usually very slow. I do not believe SBD could support the data size and latency requirements of FPV telemetry.. "