"From my experience, if you are going down the cat path, look to keep the inside edges close to vertical. This provides minimal bow wave toward the middle of the boat which is important if you are installing a sounder. Also consider a "Tri-Marwan"…"
You are right, I haven't made the files public as I designed them for a commercial project however PM me and I will see what I can do for you. They would require some mods to fit your hull dimensions but that is easy enough. Anyway, here is…"
"David, here is a quote from the Bluerobotics website forums where we have been discussing vector mounts. I ran it for another 2hrs today, this time in salt water. I pulled the thrust tubes out and it is still looking good.
I am also working on mounts for the T100s. I wanted a vector able mount so I could get rid of rudders. I also wanted a through hull design. Here is my solution which I am getting 3d printed at the moment. The fist shows the integrated servo…"
"Phil, I understand the weight issue. Being made from Carbon Fibre, the hull weighs around 2-3kg. The biggest weight, excluding my Payload of GNSS & Sounder, is the batteries. What sort of run times are you trying to achieve? I am installing 2x 12V…"
I am making a hull for a commercial sounder/transducer and GNSS equipment. The boat is capable of 20kg payload so the heavy transducers and good size batteries can fit. I am fitting it out with vectorable thrusters but fixed thrusters with…"
"Could the precision of the data be the issue?
I was looking at the output in the CLI and all I was getting was "............"
I accidentally touched the RX/TX pins and then I got "NMEA Lat: 0, Lon 0, Alt: 0m, #sats: 0" Whilst the pins touch, I get…"
"I am now trying with a Novatel FlexPak6 (Leica GNSS have Novatel boards so it is the same messages anyway).
I have tried with GGA, RMC & VTG. I have read numerous different posts stating different message types so if anyone can give me a definitive…"
I have tried GP & GN. I can easily define this in my GNSS unit. I have also set my GNSS to GPS only. I will save some sample data and post it on Monday.
Is there anyone in the Brisbane, Australia, region that would like to…"
"I am keen to find out how to get this working. I am using a Leica GNSS receiver in a large rover project but I can't get it to read the nmea. I have it at 38400, sending GGA, GSV & GSA @ 5hz. I have checked the output with Putty and it all appears…"