The CAA have changed the rules around type rating, you no longer have to be certified to operate an individual UAV (drone), but are qualified to operate a class of UAV. There are four classes;
After seeing this Auto launch countdown, I liked the idea of having ten seconds to put your Tx on the ground, pick up the plane and then wait for the motor to spin, before launching.
It seems that CONDITION_DELAY function works in FLIGHT PLAN menu in
Having uploaded some trial data sets to a new KickStarter project called MapsMadeEasy, then viewing the results online, the future for image processing is clear to me! Which is a shame as I've only just spent $2,000 on a super fast desktop PC to run
Does the thrird party making the sound have any connection with the UAV operator, such as pre flight briefing, or are they carrying an kind of communication equipe
I took this video in Dublin during a visit to see a Demo of the Bramor UAV manufactured by C-Astral, the thing I like the most was their catapult. It is made from box alluminium and uses a winch to tension the bungees which are doubled up. A carriage
The MYO arm bands are on pre-order, once they arrive, I will start to develop Gesture Control using the MYO and a tablet computer, the progress will be reported here.