"Fantastic work! I'm maintaining the official Dronecode Gazebo plugin. We're currently working hard to bring more coordination and rigor to our simulation ecosystem and it would be great to discuss how we can re-integrate your work into upstream…"
"It can almost certainly carry a small p&s. And the good thing with wings is: You can get them in all sizes and shapes, and a slightly larger one can definitely carry one easily."
"Hi Brandon,
Many people have shown the control approach, some I'm sure there are tons of videos out there. The current controller is nothing special compared to what is used in academia, but more advanced than what is used often in the community in…"
"Hi Joe,
We're flying a quad+wing tail sitter at ETH - if you're interested in flight code doing both fixed wing and multicopter control, you could check this branch out: https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/pull/1375
I'm fully aware of the full/small system layout and there are many, many more examples than Symbian OS. There are also POSIX compliant RTOS which could guarantee timing and still offer a Linux-style API. But they both have their limitations.…"
Cross-post from my original G+ plus post, based on a The Register article: ARM just announced a new embedded core, the Cortex M7 with up to 400 MHz clock speed. The CPU is in general faster and has an improved pipeline, the real game changer four…
"@Papi78: Why would you assume that all the other boards are outputting 5V levels? Have you measured them all? It would be interesting data, so please share. Here is the schematic of the CC (the CC3D doesn't seem to have any shifter onboard, too, as…"
"Hi Kendall,
There are two main reasons we opted for 3.3V: The first reason being that in the complete population of receivers we tested (Spektrum, Futaba, FrSky) the output voltage was 3.0 to 3.3V. So essentially the de-facto standard is 3.3V (also…"
"While I perfectly agree this is a difference, its not the only one, and we shouldn't conclude this is *the* relevant one (as explained in my last post). Pixhawk's output *changes* at 400 Hz, while APM maxes out at 200 Hz changes (APM has a 490 Hz…"
"To consider these scope shots as data, they need to show the complete picture. The claim of 5V levels being necessary all builds on the assumption that this would be the standard / required - if we make that assumption, we have to prove this first.…"
May I suggest you provide scope shots of your preferred Futaba, Spektrum or FrSky receiver (assuming a model released in the last ~3 years) as well?
"@Roberto: I think comparison matrices are great for users, but also quite delicate if not done by a 3rd party, so please allow a few comments: Its quite interesting how you compare weight (with and without enclosure, or like some would say, apples…"
"@Vega: Some interesting claims you're making there. What would be your comment about the light sensitivity of these (anonymous) products compared to an automotive machine vision sensor like the MT9V034 used in this flow sensor?"