"I have pin 5 plugged in, and if I run the native PX4 software, I can see the battery voltage.
If I run the arducopter software, in mission planner, the voltage is always 11.025. I can select pins 0,1,13 for the battery monitoring, but none of those…"
So now that I have your attention, does anyone know how to get Arducopter on the PX4 to monitor the battery voltage on my quad?It doesn't work and my drone crashes when I run out of battery. The settings in Mission Planner make no sense for the PX4.…
I'm running the PX4FMU with Arducopter 3.0.0-rc2.Has anyone been able to get the Arducopter software to read the battery voltage on pin 5 of the PX4FMU?On the pin selection, it allows you to choose pins 0,1, or 13, which makes no sense on the PX4.…
Not sure if this is firmware related or due to a setup or other issue yet, but I had a close call today with my newly built DJI F450 w/PX4 running 3.0.0-rc1 ArduCopter software.I was hovering my quad 20 feet up in loiter mode. It had been flying for…
"I can't get mine to work. When I flick the switch to auto, it tells me NO POS LOCK, REJ AUTO MODE, even though I have 8 satellites locked according to the plot in qgroundcontrol.
When I move the switch to what should be assisted mode, nothing…"
I've been pulling my hair out for a week trying to get my PX4FMU based quacopter to do anything but manual mode.Does this thing actually function or is everything i've read about it some sort of elaborate hoax?Has anyone actually seen one work?????