"Mister T, you need a device like a AVRISP MkII or AVR Dragon or I believe this from Pololu should work too. I have not done it myself, but you want to do a hex dump from the atmega2560 to your computer. The other pololu links are for a firmware…"
"It is my understanding that the series 6 and 7 units from u-Blox do NOT support concurrent GNSS types. So while with the correct antenna, you can track Glonass, you can't track both GPS and Glonass at the same time. You need a series 8 from u-Blox…"
"I'm interested if you got your NavSpark going. I have two NavSpark GL units and when set to use both GPS and Glonass, it cold boots to a HDOP of 1.4 in 32s. Wait 10s more and I've got a HDOP of 0.6/0.7. I've just started looking into whether or not…"
"@Manuel, I have read of a guy with 3.1.5 & a working telemetry port too here, but then he says it only works without USB plugged in so I know he means the RX/TX resistor spot and not the telemetry port that we are trying to get working. I tried to…"
"PF, can you share where you found the CX-20's stock firmware. I'm in the same situation as you were/are. Long story short, had to flash firmware via MP and now telemetry is not working."