Micke Ramírez's Discussions (8)

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CC3D Wont' Fly

Hello everyone, I've been working with a new-brand CC3D with Open Pilot. Actually, I've followed the steps shown in the official page of Open Pilot, I've calibrated ESCs, RC, and so on. Here are the setups and a video about the problem. I've checked

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3DR Y6 Crash Problem

Hi everybody, well,today I was working with Mission Planner, First I set a single mission and all was OK, then I decided to set a second mission, all was going fine, but suddenly the drone began to fall down and crash against the ground. I don't know

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3DR Y6 Crash

Buenas tardes, el día de hoy me encontraba realizando misiones de vuelo con Mission Planner, realize una misión y todo salió perfecto, después realize otra, todo iba bien, hasta que de repente el drone comenzo a caer y se estrello contra el piso. El

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APM/Pixhawk Autonomos

Buenas tardes, actualmente estoy trabajando con APM/Pixhawk, lo que busco realizar es mediante una RaspberryPi o cualquier otra tarjeta similar, hacer que un drone navege de manera autonoma, por lo que he investigado, APM/Pixhawk son compatibles con

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(Newbie) Y6 Flight trouble

Well, the last weeks I was trying to assemble a 3D Robotics Y6, I could do it, I had to downgrade the APM to 2.9 because the I2C voltage was 5.0 volts and MP showed the message: Bad Gyro Health, but when I arm the motors they didn't work fine.

I'm not

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Controlar APM mediante PC

Buenas tardes, actualmente estoy trabajando en un proyecto de drones con 3D Robotics Y6, hay alguna forma de comunicarme (enviar/recibir datos) a el drone para lograr una navegación desde una pc, sin tener que trabajar directamente con MissionPlanner

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Newbie Y6 (Assemble)

Hello everyone,

I recently bought a Y6 copter, is there any guide step by step to assemble this copter?

I'm really new in copters, sorry for that. I've tried with the guide provided in the DIY Kit but it's not enough for me, the first time I tried to a

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