I have avoided updating mission planner for over two years since everything has worked flawless for what I use my qaud for. Somehow this morning while launching mission planner from desktop it has updated to version 1.3.46.
Is there anyway to salvage an apm 2.5 board that will not connect?
I have one of the HK 2.5 boards in a quad that has somewhere around 40 flights behind it and has been rock solid. Today I flew an auto flight, returned no isuue. I swapped batteries, 4
I have begun setting up apm2.5, I have loaded ardupilot 2.74b.
Transmitter is 9xr with dragon link. I have calibrated receiver, been thru bind process . Set elimits to on, set channel 3 (throttle) to -125% , calbrated radio and it show pwm of 910 on c
I have had a quad fall twice in 2 days during autotune, I may have posted it in the wrong forum, not sure. Could you guys look over my logs and give me an idea whats going on?
Was flying my 800mm quad yesterday, flys well have not had any previous problems. I ran Auto-tune yesterday. It took a good while to run thru the roll portion of the test. Shortly after it began the pitch portion of the test the quad just abruptly st
Trying to detirmine why when geofencing is enabled my motors start at full throttle for 30 seconds as soon as esc are armed? Everything is working perfectly when geofencing is disabled.
After a flyaway last week due to lost signal I am going to upgrade my radio system on all my multirotors which use the apm 2.5 flight control so I can utilize the lost signal failsafe.
I recently switched from an older 72mhz futaba which dropped chan
36 years of R/c and I have never had a flyaway I couldnt find, but....On my sixth and obiviuosly last flight of the day my 760mm quad with apm2.5 fatshark transmitter and new gopro hero3 just flew away . I was flying on the farm, all open fields, ove
I have somewhere over 30 autonomous flights on my quad with apm2.5, with no issue. Last weekend we programmed a fairly simple flight path at aprox 200 feet, roughly 1 mile in length, all in a large pasture with no obstructions. Had a little bit of a
I have been experimenting with the flight speed between waypoints and have my quad pretty much dialed in as far as accuratley hitting waypoints , fast flight times and almost no overshoot.
Is it possible to assign different traverse speeds between dif
Question about updating to beta v3.0 with mission planner. I was running a previous version of mission planner, loaded the v3.0 beta with no problem ( think) . Launched Mission planner this morning and was prompted to upgrade. Upgraded and all seems