"HOW can I be sure if and witch one of the five (5) ESC have or not SimonK inside? Externally they are all the same (NO SimonK label on it), on all five I can program the internal parameter (Brake, ecc).....Are they normnal ESC?
What are the…"
Same situation of Thorsten. In my order #R645140716 there were five (5) ESC 20 Amp with SimonK. They arrived.
No one report on the stck the "SimonK firmware"!!! I wrote 4 times to the customer support. I said.." There is no SimonK mark…"
"can you add Hdop in the Overview, maybe on the same line of GPS sat? I think could be very useful to know the real state of the GPS navigation system.
Before this great update in the parameter list I can found:
Now the only one is SERIAL3_BAUD (used for telemetry)!!!!
How can I change AUX and GPS serial baud…"
"There is something wrong in the last versione 1.2.66 or in the MSI installation file.
If I access to the INITIAL SETUP menu I have a long error window... What do you suggest... make a clean, new installation or use the ZIP file?"
Looking to the old Parameter list I found:
How can I change the other baud rate (AUX, GPS)???
I don't know if it comes from Mission…"
"Small question for Randy or any other already tested it.... Alot of question ask for Under/over power multirotor and how to play with Thr_Mid value using the graph from Log data. ......looking in the parameter list there is a value tha pretend to…"
"Riguardo al sonar .... da quanto si puo' leggere qui in alcune discussioni in inglese... beh!! sembra che serva a poco o forse a niente... anzi.. alcuni lo hanno proprio tolto perche' indroduce piu' problemi (oscillazioni violente e sensibilita'…"
"Per quanto mi riguarda ho una configurazione molto simile alla tua.
il GPS e'un uBlox (il 6H) fissato in modo rigido (distanziali in plastica) alla basetta porta accessori che sta sopra al controller, la scheda e' una VRBrain ma il firmware…"
"Dimenticavo.... altra possibile causa della salita del quadri inserendo Alt-Hold e Loiter puo' essere un sotto o sovra dimensionamento dell'avionica per la parte motori-eliche. I due comandi indicati hanno una banda che va dal 40% al 60% del gas, se…"