"I just wanted to emphasize that it is always worth to share your work, no matter how much information already exists on a particular subject. There are far to many great projects which were never documented properly. So thank you very much for this…"
"To me it seems like combining the worst features of the platforms.
I absolutely agree. What is the advantage of multirotors compared to helicopters? Multirotors have no moving parts, exept the motor! Variable pitch at helicopters does what the gear…"
"Really cool! It combines the benefits of both quadrocopters and planes.
P.S. Es tummeln sich doch einige Deutsche hier.. - but let's speak english :-)"
"Really nice! Thought about something similar and now it's already reality!
As Fernando said, it will save a lot of energy while flying fast and long distances but lacks nothing of the quadcopter benefits. This concept has good prospects. Carry on!"