"I am having a little different problem. I can connect but it is very slow and then, when connection is finished the motion in MP is really slow again. I lost a lot of packets I have aprox. 30-40% of link health.
I am trying to connect at 10 meters…"
"I have the same problem with ELEVON_OUTPUT (the new sytyle) with a X-6 Skywalker. The first time appeared the problem because there was slop in my elevon linkages. But a few days later I have registered the same problem, and now I sure that the…"
When I fly with my quad on regions of positive inclination (east), the rotor works great. However when I fly on regions of negative inclinations (west), the rotor starts getting into the toilet bowl.
This problem could be…"
If I've FS_GPS enabled, when I arm the copter (indoor, with no GPS fix) at the beginning the motors run and 0,1 sec later its stop. If I've FS_GPS disabled this doesn't occur.
"Where should I write exactly the code in the arduplane files? (I'm working with arduino IDE to compile .hex)
And What values should I put in variables to be reset every 5 minutes?
Thank you.