"Sticks are mixed in STAB mode always and in AUTO modes if ENABLE_STICK_MIXING parameter is set to 1.
In MANUAL mode no automatic control is added, only manual.
In RTL mode manual signal is missing, so it is not mixed to automatic one."
"I just investigated firmware sourses... Stick deflections are added to servo output a bit tricky - automatic output signal is scaled down to leave place for manual signal. It seems Ok, but the algorithm is internally limited - manual signal must not…"
"Nav params are not used in Stabilize mode...
I try to understand... Your servos go to the edge in stab mode, or they move reasonably to compensate pitch or roll, but deflections are too big, two or three times bigger than in Manual mode ? If servos…"
"2 YureZzZ:
You must tune Attitude control gains, not the limits of servos. You'll can get some non-linearities in control system and auto-oscillations or edge-freezing. Try to restore RC_* parameters to default and decrease *_P gains. "
"2 GrMis:
I tuned the configuration files of firmware. ArduPilot v.1 tradition :-) The code itself was not changed.
Here is the manual.
Parameters I tuned were:
"2 GrMis: I tested ArduPlaneNG code with FrSky Rx, too. Failsafe works Ok.
What I did :
1. I trimmed the throttle on Tx as low as it's possible, much lower than normal MinThrottle.
2. I pushed a failsafe button on my FrSky Rx to remember this…"
"You really investigated ALL the SOURCES, or CONFIGS only ?
File ArduPlaneNG2x.pde, find the string "// real GPS selection", and below you will see serial port allocations. But be sure to not interfere with telemetry on Serial3.
Good luck !"
"2 Gil Mor:
Ardupilot uses microcontroller's built-in ADC to measure some voltage ( except true APM1 with external ADC). But it can measure only between 0 and VCC, ie 5V. So, measured voltage must be divided, if it can be higher than 5V. You can buy…"
"Hi, Jean-Louis ! Grand merci for you hard work ! Just tested ArduPilotNG and found a minor bug :-(( In control_modes.pde file, update_servo_switches() function, the condition
is correct for original…"
"Hi, Chris !
I tested Arduino 2009 (can not type this Italian word :-) ) with arduIMU V2 flat with a GPS using standard ArduPilot (non-Mega) code. I soldered a couple of connectors and I got the same functionality as native ArduPilot, except hardware…"
"AP and APM have some hardware incompatibilities ? I'm not new in programming, so I can try to make some software adaptation. But it's too hard to investigate the entire project (two projects, of course !) looking for differences. Which parts of code…"
"It's a very complicated problem. Optimal autopilot gains must be very different in different airspeeds and attack angles. The plane-autopilot combination can be stable "in little" and non-stable "in-general". For the stable aircraft it is easier to…"
Hi, All !ArduPilot software on ArduPilot board works well. But I need more R/C channels to control. Can non-Mega ArduPilot software be run on ArduPilotMega board, especially with non-Mega ArduIMU ?As I can suppose, the first thing is to set…