Hello, everyone, I have a question fo those that have build their own platform from scratch, given a set altitude that I want to mainly fly in with a given power system. How do I find which airfoil would work best for the altitude I want to fly in…
Hello everyone, i own a assault reaper 500 and for some reason the controller went dead on me and i know you can buy a replacement but before i do i was just wondering if there are any other flight controller that have variable pitch ability?
Is there any software that you can upload to a laptop and content the an arduino and then the arduino to all the rc components and have a fully functional uav
i am building my first QuadCopter and i am having a hard time picking the motor to use either the Turnigy 4240 Brushless Motor 1300kv or the Turnigy 4250 Brushless Motor 1000kv i know both have a max thrust of about 2400g. Can any one tell me wish…
IS there any other motor that is equal to the GH2820-06 Outrunner Brushless Motor or better but is as efficient and use the same power as the GH2820-06 Outrunner Brushless Motor but is cheaper
"ok if turbine are that hard to control would you recommend rotary engine for this type of project.
i have herd that the best power to weight ratio engine are rotary engine, just look at the Sikorsky Cypher made by Sikorsky Aircraft it has just 53 hp…"
"what turbine/turbine cnc plans would you recommend for lift 200 lb of cargo. it does not jave to be 1 turbine it can be multi turbine but all together well make 200lb of life power. Also when i say lift i mean vertically lift 200lb"