- All the features of ArduPilot 2.0 plus...
- Supports XY sensor in diagonal postion
- Requires Z sensor [UPDATE: FMA is no longer carrying those. While we sort out alternative sources, you can buy them from Dean Goedde for $40 (scroll down for price list)
- Controls throttle if airspeed sensor is attached via the ArduPilot expansion board.
- Supports desktop setup utility for waypoints and autopilot settings. (Waypoints are no longer manually entered in the code. They can only be entered with this utility.)
- Last version of the code to support the original ATMega168-based board. Future versions will require the new ATMega328-based board.
- Field setup procedures are here
- Get it here
- Add waypoints manually; utility displays them on Google Maps
- Set max altitude, speed, circle radius
- Set elevator, aileron/rudder trim
- More features coming
- Get it here ("ArduPilotConfigUtility")
- Requires free Labview runtime engine and serial drivers (install both. Note: if you've already installed Lego's Mindstorms NXT software you may find you've got a driver conflict, because it's based on LabView, too. Uninstall the Mindstorms software first.)
- Works with Xbee wireless modules
- Displays real-time attitude, speed, altitude, current waypoint, heading, distance to next waypoint, etc
- Displays real time position on Google Earth
- Get it here
- Source code is here
Thanks for quick response.
I had a quick look through the code as I thought just the software version might not be updated, but there doesn't appear to be any support for diagonal sensor or throttle control.
Could somebody please check the 2.1 code from the Google Repository to see if they have the same problem?
I truly understand your situation, the only way to get sensors from there is here:
But some times, some chips are shipped from the US, and takes so long, and i don't know about the shipping rates...
Seem that something is wrong (LOL). Could be two things, you are using the last ardupilot (328), this software only support 168, or your FTDI cable or whatever is not resetting the board, happens to me only in some sparkfun FTDI modules...
Thanks for all your support.
New Ground Station source code is now posted
Please everybody say thanks to Automatik, that help me to solve some bugs in the ground station!