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1$ CompuFly USBtoPPM convertor for Developers

Hi Guys,

I have 5 unit CompuFly for the developers who canpromise to write opensource control software.

My first post was here:

Price is only 1$ for developers :)


If you have programming skills (VB, Delphi or C) and you will share your software codes with everyone, this products for you.
Buy it from Here:

Shipping is $3.5, total price is $4.5

I'm already writing my own software with PC based headtracker and
DirectX Joystick control.
The CompuFly will on stocks for everyone after i finished my default

This is my software test video:

To Developers,
* CompuFly coming with Futaba Square Plug, this deal only for Futaba
* Sample Delphi sourcecode here:
* Protocol very simple:
to setting the output channel count:

to setting a servo position:

Who is the first?

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Unlicensed Police Drone Grounded


Unlicensed Merseyside Police drone grounded

Police on Merseyside have had to ground their new drone over concerns it was being used illegally without a licence.

Merseyside Police said they had been unaware they needed a licence to fly the £40,000 remote control helicopter fitted with a CCTV.

The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said it needed to be consulted over any use of the drones, that can fly up to 400ft and reach speeds of 30mph.

The force's new drone was used last week to catch a car thief in thick fog.

All unmanned aircraft, not just ones that weigh 15lb (7kg) or more, now have to be licensed to conduct aerial surveillance work after the law changed at the start of the year.

They need CAA permission to fly within 164ft (50m) of people and within 492ft (150m) of buildings.

The CAA said any breach in regulations, which came into force on 1 January 2010, would be "treated seriously".

Bit ironic if you ask me. Its a wonder that NO ONE in their UAS team were aware of the regs?

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RC Flight Stabilization and RTH system.

Flight Stabilization integrates the tree-axis gyroscope, thee axis acceleration, which make up a basic platform inertial navigation system.

I found this new Thai maybe China Product. Maybe it could have some interest for some in here.

The manual can be found here

I don't know anything about Price.

Maybe someone in here know more about the product.

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Two short videos showing how to analyse telemetry in Google Earth.
I use a python script called, which is still fairly rough around the
edges (alpha quality), but is useful. In part 1 I show how to use the script to create a
spreadsheet and Google Earth KMZ File. In part 2, we explore the telemetry in Google Earth.

Converting Telmetry for Google Earth Analysis - Part 1

from Pete Hollands on Vimeo.

Converting Telmetry for Google Earth Analysis - Part 2

from Pete Hollands on Vimeo.

If you are a budding Python programmer, and you also know (or want to know) about KML,
then please feel free to modify the program. Stay in touch.

Further information about this project ....
Photos relating to the UAV Devboard are here.
Photos of the re-build of my Twinstar 2 and incorporation of the UAV Devboard are here.

Happy flying, Pete
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iTunes linksAAC: feedAAC: website: http://openpilot.orgDavid Ankers: Peart:
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For those with the 16HMz AT328P version of the SparkFun Razor9DOF board who also want to run the DCM based AHRS code, this may be of interest.

First read Jordi's post for the ArduIMU and Razor6DOF boards:

To remove the 3 highpass filters from the original 9DOF board, C1,C2 and C19 are removed and replaced with shunts (or just shorted). R5,R8 and R16 are also removed. Photo below shows board after modification with capacitor locations marked "J" and resistor locations marked "X".

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3D Robotics

Following the great example of the UAVDevBoard team, who have excellent documentation on their Google Code wiki, we'll be moving all the DIY Drones product documentation to Google Code wikis for each product.

The first product to move is ArduStation, which has now fully moved to the Wiki. ArduPilot 2.5 is in progress. ArduIMU+, Blimpduino, the LabView GCS and other projects will all move over the next few week.

One of the great things about moving to a wiki is that anyone can contribute to make it better. Right now that's just for project contributors, but we'll be opening them up to all soon.

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Hi all - There have been a lot of great microcontroller-based autopilot projects posted here lately. For our entry into the AUVSI UAS competition, we wanted to build an autopilot system with plenty of power for developing our imaging system. We also wanted to use the excellent Paparazzi ground station. The result was to port the Paparazzi autopilot software to run on Linux, and use a 3.5" single board computer onboard.

The result is a bit bigger and heavier than microcontroller based autopilots, like the Paparazzi Tiny v2 and the Ardupilot. We're using a hand-me-down .60 size trainer for our flight tests, and are moving up to a 10ft wingspan, 25lb plane when we add our imaging system. More news on that system to come in the next few weeks.

Please check out the project website:

- Pat Hickey, Rutgers Autonomous Aircraft Team

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HobbyKing headtracker

Hobbyking has come out with their, as far as I know, first headtracker. Or, as they call it, the 'Advanced Head-Movement-Tracker Gyro'. Price is US$ 54.95.


There is detailed information on the website, I only post some of the specifications here.
Power: 8V to 12V DC power supply. Some
transmitters, especially those FUTABA ones, can supply power directly by trainer
connector. (ex. T9Z, FF9C). Some transmitters cannot supply power to X-GYRO, for
example 14MZ and 12FG. The simplest solution is to use an extra battery forthose RC transmitters. The connector is already included in package.
Size: 25mmX35mm
Range for measuring: +-90 degree/second rotational speed movement.

There is a thread about this item on

Edit: A review by BlueAngel2000 of this product can be found in this thread.
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Introducing OpenPilot


Introducing OpenPilot - Open Source UAV Platform

OpenPilot is a next generation Free Software autopilot for small UAVs, including multi-rotor craft, helicopters as well as fixed wing aircraft. It aims to takes the best features of all current enthusiast autopilot systems and combines them into a simple easy to use package. Simplicity does not come with any compromises either, with no hard-coded settings, a complete flight plan scripting language and other next-generation features, OpenPilot is planned to be an extremely capable UAV platform.


Key Features:

  • Fully Open Source Free Software
  • Custom built powerful hardware using High Density STM32
  • 8 RC Channel Inputs for PPM (No converter needed)
  • 8 Servo Outputs using standard servo connectors
  • I2C, CAN & PWM ESC Support
  • Micro SDCard for settings and logging
  • State of the art AHRS
  • Implements the open UAVTalk Protocol for GCS compatibility
  • Cross Platform Ground Control Station & Set-up tools
  • Cross Platform Firmware Development

OpenPilot is a Open Source community project and there are many ways you can get involved.

For developers the project has two sub-projects, you can get involved in the Flight Software Development which is the embedded firmware written in C or with the Ground Control Software Development which is written in C++ using the Qt application framework.


OpenPilot Wiki

OpenPilot Forums

OpenPilot Store


There's always developers in the OpenPilot IRC channel which is #openpilot on freenode.

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3D Robotics
Free video streaming by Ustream

Tonight we'll do podcast #16, which everyone here is welcome to participate in by listening to the chat live above and commenting and asking questions via the DIY Drones chat function. We'll be starting at 9:00 PM PST and will probably go about 40 minutes.

This week we'll by joined by Angus Peart, who is about to release a very exciting new product that he's hinted about here. I can't tell you more than that, but this is one not to miss.

As always you can subscribe to the podcast here. Tonight's livecast will be recorded and available as a podcast by Tues of the next week.
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Ardupilot testing

Hi all,

Testing Ardupilot 2.5 from Jason Short on Vimeo.

Here's a video of testing today. I had a flawless run of the T3 round two course. Everything was looking good. I'll post the code today on the repository.

Some flight notes. I completely remove the I term (by setting it to zero) for Roll and Pitch which helped tremendously. I went from highly unstable turns to nice smooth ones.

Altitude hold seems to have a slight oscillation for me. You can here the motor go up and down as the plane pitches up and down slightly. Any thoughts for dampening this out?

I reduced the loiter radius to 20 meters which the plane doesn't like. It tends to do figure eights around the home position. I'll increase that to 30 next time.

I'll post the code tonight.
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Something new is coming...

Do you want to find out what this is all about?
If you do, you should listen to the podcast this Sunday night for all the details.
For now, a few features of this mystery device pictured above;

  • Open Source Software & Hardware
  • STM32 Microcontroller (32bit, 72MHz, 90MIPS)
  • MicroSD Card for datalogging, setting and flight plan storage
  • USB 2.0 Full Speed support
  • Barometer intergrated on-board
  • 8 Servo Outputs
  • 8 RC Inputs
  • 3 Serial Ports
  • 6 ADC Analog to Digital Inputs
  • I2C, CAN and SPI Communication Interfaces
  • JTAG Debugging Interface connector

See you then!
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It would seem silly to re invent it


The Quanum telemetry system gives real-time, accurate voltage display and low voltage warnings via a robust 2.4Ghz DSSS connection.
The receiver pannel is a large 132x64 LCD and attaches directly to your existing radios antenna for convenient at-a-glance in-flight voltage checks.
The Quanum Telemetry system will also warn you when your battery pack is approaching 3v per cell with a variable audio tone. No more deadstick landings!
And because its 2.4Ghz DSSS it wont interfere with your existing system, no matter what channel youre on!
The Quanum Telemetry system transmits a narrow, lightweight signal 4 times a second and uses DSSS technology to ensure no conflicts with other systems close by. Included is an inbuilt 450mAh Li-ion power source and a convenient in-car and PC USB charge jack!
Tx Weight: 16g
Tx Size: 50x17.5mm
Tx Output: 20dBm <100mW 2.4Ghz DSSS
Large high contrast 132x64 pixel LCD 2.4Ghz Receiver.
1km Range 1~6S Transmitter
Receiver mount (universal type)
Cigarette lighter 5v out USB charger
USB cable. (Charge in car or on a PC)

I wonder if this could be hacked to tell us a little more on the ground, not in colour or hi-res obviously

Signs of things to come. Just thinking its probably useful in itself as a backup battery monitor on the ground.

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Hammering on the Marcy 1 radio problem

The radios have plenty of range in the apartment 12ft off the ground. Put the receiver on the ground & it dies. Put the receiver on a tripod & its range slightly improves. Hold the receiver in your hand & it dies. It's as if the antennas are
getting shunted to the ground. Xbees are shielded but Marcy 1's aren't. In any case, range is far less than 72Mhz. Frequency doesn't matter.

After trying many antennas, the receiver antenna doesn't matter. It works without an antenna. The transmitter antenna is required. The best one has been a loop with no balun. Dipoles are 2nd. Monopoles with the balun suck. Unless you've got an amplifier, skip the monopole.

Loop antennas got us a big improvement but still not the same range as the 1st 2 boards.

The double sided board for telemetry goesmuch farther than the single sided board for RC so maybe double sided boards were the key.

Fuggedaboutit. That actually degraded performance. Next tried isolating the transmitter from the remote control.

That didn't do any good either. It's coming down to silicon defects.

So when you get the radios optimized, what happens but CPU overloading when all systems are running. The problem is fixed packet sizes of 100 bytes take too many clockcycles on the ground station so you really need variable packet sizes as shown in the MRF49XA reference software.

In any case, just think how radios once required huge coils & half a circuit board like your 72Mhz remote control. Never thought we'd solder chip radios on our own boards.

1 day with better radio performance got us the 1st autonomous flight out of Marcy 1. Not much of an autonomous flight but no-one ever documented an autonomous monocopter before.

You really can't get much done when working 50 hours/week & sitting in traffic another 10. No surprise Parrot Cellular whipped out WiFiquad rotors with a full time staff while you were still warming yourboss's seat.

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New download firmware has just been added to the repository

The v1.5 firmware includes:

  • ADC oversampling which increases the effective resolution of the gyros and accelerometers
  • Drift correction gain de-weighting and speed filtering
  • Support for binary output messages as well as human readable
  • Support for both hardware types
  • Ground and Air start modes
  • Other improvements and bug fixes
I would like to give praise to Jose Julio for his excellent work on the first two items. I would also like to give Andrew Matthews an award! - "The Big Juicy Bug Squashing Award" for finding a very difficult to find bug in the gps parser. That crazy bug would cause ArduIMU to crash, but only after several hours. Not easy to find a bug when you have to watch all night to see it once.

The binary output messages and air start modes have been added to support use of Ardu_IMU with ArduPilot. Complementary ArduPilot firmware will be coming soon. Interested alpha testers can PM me.

The Labview viewer software is still messed up. If someone with Labview would like to fix it please let me know and I'll tell you what needs to be done.
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FC-420 2.5gr Submicro for Ultralight UAV's

Hi Everyone,

I just released my new FC-420 camera.
This camera working with 3.6-5.5V and supporting 1 cell LithiumPolymer batteries as my FTX-10 video Transmitter





Horizontal Resolution

420 TV Lines

View angle

60 degree

Minimum illumination


Operating voltage

DC: 3.6-5.5V

Operating current


Video input voltage:75R


Dimensions( L X W X H)

17mm X17mm X 10.5mm



Connections :







Product details here:

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AXN Floater Buildup

I'm slowly getting some web pages put up to document the PICPilot development. Since I had just built up another AXN Floater Easy Star clone I thought I would start with that for those considering it as a possible UAV platform. Take a look here if your interested:

I'll be adding more content as time allows.

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