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3D Robotics

DIY Drones now at 8,000 members!

Today we hit another milestone, with 8,000 members. Over the past year traffic on DIY Drones has grown more than 4x, from an average of 5,000 page views per day a year ago, to 22,000 today. We currently average 6,000 unique visitors per day. We are adding 1,000 members every 54 days (less than two months), or an average of 19 a day, a pace that is speeding up. Here are the comparable stats from Jan 5th, when we passed 7,000.

A few other stats: a little less than 10% of new members are spammers, who are usually caught and banned within minutes (the member total does not include banned spammers). 90% of people with email address turn out to be spammers!

Here's the geographic breakdown of traffic over the past year (just listing the top ten countries):

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APM Oil Pan!

Is 2:22AM (when i started writing this) and i can't sleep, so i decided to write this post.

I been working "hard" and the fastest i can to finish this thing, theres only one step remaining in order to start the "mass" production of this board.

This is how the last step will be done:
-A unique assembled board will be shipped from California to Spain.
-Then Jose Julio in Spain will open his "Surprise Board" and make us the great favor to all of us of checking the board integrity and the harmony of all the components on it (thanks in advance JJ).
-That includes checking some new components i can't mention right now.
-If Jose Julio says 'Si", then i will start the mass production.

By now SparkFun is straggling trying to supply all the components and test bed for APM. It will be released soon.

The board is kinda of big right now. This board will be called the "huge" version. When the code becomes very mature i will create a an smaller version of the APM and APM Oil Pan without the multiplexor on the APM and without the bulky FTDI chip on the APM Oil Pan, so i can save 30% of the size. This one will be called ArduPilotMega "In my way" version. ;-)

Oil pan stands for the old shield name. The difference is that the shield goes into the bottom of the ArduPilotMega board.

I decided to let the community guess the rest of the specs for ArduPilotMega Oil Pan, because write stuff in English make me drowsy. The best guesser will receive a $50 certificate. ;-)

Come 2:56AM!!

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3D Robotics
Free video streaming by Ustream

Tonight we'll do podcast #18, which everyone here is welcome to participate in by listening to the chat live above and commenting and asking questions via the DIY Drones chat function. We'll be starting at 9:00 PM PST and will probably go about 40 minutes.

This week we'll by joined by Reed Christiansen, UAV Avionics Engineer of Procerus, makers of the famous Kestrel autopilot. We'll be talking about what's new in the field of small UAVs, and the prospects for a commercial civilian market.

As always you can subscribe to the podcast here. Tonight's livecast will be recorded and available as a podcast by Tues of the next week.
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3D Robotics
Jason Short and I had a great day of flight testing yesterday after the rains cleared in Point Richmond, across the Bay from San Francisco. We were testing the 2.5 code on a range of different hardware (RC systems, ESCs, GPSs and airframes) to catch incompatibilities. The good news is that we found lots of them! (that's the bad news, too).

These are the bugs found:

--When ArduPilot is pulsing the servos after it's got GPS lock with the bind plug on, it will pulse the motor, too, on some ESCs. This can be dangerous! (FIXED)

--One some ESCs, ArduPilot will not allow the ESC to arm, even in manual mode. This was a weird one, since in manual mode the servo signal is directly passed through to the ESC without touching code, but it appears that we were mixing in some signal from the microprocessor by mistake. (FIXED)

--Stabilization gains were too high for those using the Z sensor. Porpoising and corkscrewing resulted. (FIXED)

--On some uBlox configurations, the GPS parser would fail to read position data in AUTO mode, leading to flyaway behavior. (FIXED)

--Problem reading PWM data from the newer, smaller Futaba 2.4 Ghz digital receivers, like this one. Weirdly, channel one would only read motion to the left, not the right. This is a timing thing, having to do with the order in which pulses are sent in these newer receivers. (Jason now has one of these, and will use logic analyzer to diagnose and fix this one)

--The default loiter/RTL radius of 30m is too small, leading to figure eights, rather than circles. [Expanded to 100m.]

Finally, one bit of very good news: We've finally got rid of the bind plug setup procedure for people with Z sensors. The reason we had to do it before is that the Arduino bootloader overwrites the Atmega registry setting that says whether the last reset was a cold or warm restart. As a result, we couldn't tell if you were starting the autopilot on the ground (cold restart) or whether it had just reset in the air (warm restart). Obviously, we don't want it to record a new "home" position in the air.

Doug Wiebel, Jordi Munoz and Jason Short talked about this and solved the problem with a little AI. Now ArduPilot will measure the GPS data for a few seconds to decide if it's on the ground or in the air. If it's moving, it won't record a new home position; if it's stationary it will. Bye bye bind plug!

Jason will be uploading some of these bug fixes in the next day (when he gets off a plane), and the tougher ones, like the problem with new Futaba digital receivers, in a couple weeks when he's back from a business trip and vacation. The bind plug process should be gone then, too. By then I should have the ArduPilot 2.5 documentation done, and we can formally launch this thing as an easy(ier) to use, more stable and better performing autopilot that works on a wide range of hardware configurations!
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3D Robotics
From this week's Newsweek: "Defending against Drones: How our new favorite weapon in the war against terror could soon be used against us". Slashdotted and discussed here. Mentions us ;-)


"This year the Pentagon will buy more unmanned aircraft than manned, and train more UAV pilots than traditional bomber and fighter pilots combined. As Gen. David Petraeus, head of the U.S. Central Command, put it in January, "We can't get enough drones."

But neither can our adversaries—who don't need their own network of satellites and supercomputers to deploy an unmanned plane. Wired magazine editor Chris Anderson built a version of the military's hand-tossed Raven surveillance drone for $1,000, while an Arizona-based anti-immigrant group instituted its own pilotless surveillance system to monitor the U.S.-Mexico border for just $25,000. Hitler's war machine may have lacked the ability to strike the American mainland during World War II. But half a century later, a 77-year-old blind man from Canada designed an unmanned system that in 2003 hopped the Atlantic from Newfoundland to Ireland.


"The United States has not truly had to think about its air defenses—at home or abroad—since the Cold War. But it's time it did, because our current crop of weapons isn't well suited to dealing with these new systems. Smaller UAVs' cool, battery-powered engines make them difficult to hit with conventional heat-seeking missiles; Patriot missiles can take out UAVs, but at $3 million apiece such protection comes at a very steep price. Even seemingly unsophisticated drones can have a tactical advantage: Hizbullah's primitive planes flew so slowly that Israeli F-16s stalled out trying to decelerate enough to shoot them down.

To succeed in this revolution, we need something many competitor countries already have: a national robotics strategy. That means graduate scholarships, lab funding, and a Silicon Valley–style corridor for corporate development. Otherwise we are destined to depend on the expertise of others. Already a growing number of American defense and technology firms rely on hardware from China and software from India, a clear security concern."

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3D Robotics

When the IMU version of AttoPilot (version 3.3) was first announced, the price was given as $3,000. Now I see it's $4,200. The IMU by itself is $1,500. I was kinda hoping the price movement would go the other way, but I know it's a quality product and Dean has to make a living...

The site is here, but because it's Flash I can't link to any pages. Just navigate to the store/shopping cart.

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While many people regret burning up their lives & 401k's perfecting thermopile autopilots only to end up switching to IMU's, monocopters are 1 application where only thermopiles will do.

They give only a 0.5V change based on angle of attack. They're supposed to be used in pairs with a high gain op-amp amplifying the difference. Being weight limited makes it challenging. There are 3 arrangements:

1) Single thermopile without amplifier
2) Single thermopile with amplifier
3) Double thermopile with difference amplifier

So if she can't sense attitude indoors, why does she still use sonar instead of GPS + pressure? We often wonder the same thing ourselves. There's still hope for a pushbroom camera to replace thermopiles. Whether you go with a pushbroom or a single frame camera, it needs a really fast shutter speed. A really big lens or mirror would help.
Attitude sensing is moving in parallel between commutes with...


Wanted to have some kind of UAV lightshow demo in case by some miracle we got the chance to fly for THE REAL MAJOR MARCY.

Marcy 1's payload is stupid. We're becoming another Kai. Kai built LED toys to impress heroines at nightclubs only to get stuck with a horrible snotty Asian bitch instead of a warrior & he hated life. Our LED toys are more expensive & aimed higher but still the same. Decided not to bother with flying music videos. Just simple star & mar patterns.

SMT LEDs were not bright enough to do the job.

So replaced them with 3mm LEDs before commuting time ran out. 3mm was all anyone had. Got to focus the economy on housing & SUV's.

Also, as much as She is the Great She Is, no-one but us is going to want to watch Her aircraft fly around for 5 minutes while listening to Blue Uniform or whatever the band is called.

Fortunately she has plenty of debugging LEDs.


Major Marcy, that's right, THE REAL MAJOR MARCY saw this video & She
wrote "Speechless!"


Mind you, She didn't view our Goo Tube account since iPhones can't do Flash & She only uses an iPhone. It would be bad if She did. You would definitely go back to MQ-1 logos if you saw Her in real life. This is ridiculous.

Also snagged a manned copter taking off in this video. Obviously they fell in love & started chasing after the Mad Major like us. Crowded skies when She's around.We did see the real Major Marcy in REAL LIFE. She's so f**king beautiful, not sure about showing you Her photo because you might fall in love uncontrollably & turn into a blob of protoplasm.
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3D Robotics

After much discussion about my poor effort to turn a military Reaper into a NASA Ikhana, IKE took the initiative to do it right and go straight to the source. He took a Ikhana photo, flipped and tilted it so it was about right for the logo, then vector traced it and removed the unnecessary bits. Voila: our new logo. Many thanks (and a $50 DIY Drones gift certificate) to IKE!

Here's how he did it:

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UAV Flight from Vieques to Puerto Rico!

Hello Everyone,

I am an aerospace engineering Ph.d student at a university in New York and also the teaching assistant for an undergraduate course in aircraft design which will be partly taught in Puerto Rico. One of the main objectives for the course is that the studens have to design, document, and build radio control airplanes following traditional design formulae. Having following this community for a while, I proposed to the course instructor and also my advisor to attempt to fly autonomously at least one of the student designed airplanes off the coast of Puerto Rico from the island of Vieques to mainland Puerto Rico which is close to 20 miles!! I have been given the approval and my plan is to use the Ardupilot with pre-programmed GPS way points to accomplish this at least semi-autonomously. The idea is to also establish visual contact during the entire flight using a chase boat. I would like to ask the community, whomever has successfully implemented and flown the Ardupilot system including wireless telemetry with the ardustation or otherwise, if you would be interested in being a consultant to the project. If so, leave me a comment with your contact information and I will get back to you with further details. We plan to fly the RC airplanes/ UAVs during the first week of June in Puerto Rico of course, just to give you a time frame. Thanks everyone, Victor.

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Fried Video Transmitter, minor set-back :-(

Lesson learned: don't try to wire small circuitry at 11pm at night. Last night I received a small CMOS video camera + transmitter combo (2.4 ghz LTS wireless camera) and put it on my E-Flight Blade MSR. I was actually able to lift this + battery, although it was certainly struggling. However before I could record any video, I managed to cross the positive and negative wires on the battery, and I fried a capacitor and possibly a majority of the circuitry on the 2.4ghz camera transmitter board.

So, results are in: Yes my Blade MSR can lift this rather large camera + battery, and no, the camera does not like it when you feed positive 9volts into the transmitter ground. I'm going to see if I can get a replacement surface mounter capacitor, but frankly, I think this may not be fixable :-(. Either way I'm no longer going to wire circuitry at night when I'm tired.

On a better note, check out these cool pictures from the board!

Above: identical capacitor (that IS a capacitor, right?) to the one I fried. I need to ID this...

Above: Camera on left (backside of CMOS board, and crispy 2.4ghz tx on right)

Above: CMOS

Above: CMOS zoomed in. glass is not very clean.....

Above: CMOS, focal point is on circuitry under the glass

Above: even closer

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ArduIMU Quadcopter part II (mini)

Hi all,
I have finished my second quadcopter with ArduIMU. This time is a "mini" version with only 28cm from rotor to rotor and has the new Jordi´s magnetometer integrated!.
This tiny machine is fantastic, with a great stability. Look at the hands-off part of the video inside house!!
Very funny :-) Video:

Motors: 1811 2000Kv 10grams brushless motors
Props: standard 5x3
ESCs : Turnigy 6A
Batt : 2S610 Lipo
Weight (RTF) : 180grams
Again it´s a very cheap and easy setup. Because I use standard propellers I mounted left and right motors with some twist. I´d really love arduIMU flat hardware...

Look at the PPM output Rx, Is this a new 2.4Ghz receiver form DIYDrones?
No, it´s a "lighweight" (4.1grams) mix between Spektrum AR6110 Rx and Jordi´s PPM encoder. This is nice for DIY projects...

The code is improved from the old version. This one has the magnetometer integrated so now we don´t have drift
on yaw axis, better implementation for the D term on the PID controler (more responsive to user inputs), same safety improvements, fast ESCs update rate (166Hz), new PID tunning...

But this history had an interesting lesson for me... The prototype you see here are really the second one, the first one was a dissaster... (flys bad...)
Do you want to know the "small" difference between them? This:

For the first one, I use an U shaped aluminium arms to save some weight. Well this shape is very bad in torsion and generates a lot of vibrations. This vibrations saturate the gyros (our gyros are quite sensible on vibrations because the low internal resonant frecuency). You could see here a graph of the gyro output value vs Throttle and you can see clearly the effect...

I change the arms to the square shape (8x8mm) and problem gone!! Perfect stability... :-) Vibrations are our enemy (Lesson learned)

Here is the new source code: (see notes.txt inside)
Schematic (conections): Photo1 Photo2
Old post (first version) here

New ArduPilot Mega will be a perfect platform for Quad´s also, so stay tuned...


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Store Updates!

Remember you have to start saving now, so your wife (or mom) can't tell that you bought an ArduPilotMega with all the gear included!

-I have the honor to announce the last and missing sensor of our mini UAV store. Yeah the easy to use i2c absolute pressure sensor for just $169.90 dlls! Just kidding. Check the price here.

I been playing with it a lot and i didn't know how good it is (of course i will not tell you is a piece of crap when I'm trying to sell it, but believe me is more than perfect for our applications).
I'm also trying to write a nice code to auto calibrate the actual sea level pressure, but the Arduino environment only have a crappy power function (pow()) that eats up some important bits, so i will try to figure out that issue later when i have time, in the mean time i have an Arduino example code that was mainly developed by Jose Julio (thank you!).
You only need an Arduino mini 8Mhz, wire up the 3.3V and Ground signals and the I2c port (AN4 to SDA and AN5 to SCL), load this code here and you should see temperature, pressure in pascals and the approximated altitude. Remember that you need to define at the beginning of the code your current altitude, you can find that information with Google Earth, the definition looks like this: "#define ALT_ADJ 217", where the value "217" is 217 meters above the sea level.

-About Remzibi OSD's, he sent me about 50 units on January 26 and i still waiting for them, probably the box get lost on the mail. :S

-China came back from vacation (Happy Tiger's year!!) so the ArduPilotMega shield development is back on tracks with a few other halted project are on the move.

-New uBlox GPS modules (GS-407) will arrive in 1 week.

-I will have new products soon... ;-)

-ArduPilot Mega is about to be released, they are building a very complicated test bed with one LED for every pin of the At1280, i hope have some pictures soon.

Bad news:
On March 4 i will leave for a HUGE family reunion. We will get lost on the paradise beach of my own country (Mexico). That means no internet connection, no development's, no school, no nothing and yes sun, yes sea food and yes real vacations. I will fly back on a Boeing 737-500 (my favorite part of a trip) on March 16. ;-) See ya!
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I just bought a wireless camera for my micro heli E-Flight Blade MSR. More on this below....

I took a few weeks to digest everyone's suggestions, and I think I now have a better grasp on my project and where I should take it. For a while I couldn't quite understand why everyone was telling me that I should loose the complexity and stick to simple designs, but then I remembered a term that I supposedly learned in college: "Reynolds number". Doh! Okay okay, I'll keep it simple (stupid). Thanks everyone for knocking some sense into me :-). I really, really appreciate the comments.

Before I try to make my own scratch built MAV, I'm going to experiment with a few easier projects. (BTW everyone, my future MAV is heading more towards a can say "I told you so")

The above picture is a LTS LTCMW203E1, which is a 2.4 ghz wireless video camera (CMOS). It's arriving tonight, and I hope to tear it down to the board and pop it on my micro heli Blade MSR and hope that it's light enough to fly. I don't expect great results from this, as I'm not really interested in POV (point of view) flying a Blade MSR, but it's a start. I read a lot of concerns about using 2.4ghz transmitters interfering (or receiving interference) from the 2.4ghz system on the MSR, but I've also been told that they work fine. So I guess I'm going to just try it and see what happens. If I had a choice I would have gone w/ 900mhz, but long story short I'm taking a chance and will share my results.

On another note, I am concurrently working on interfacing my transmitter from my RTF blade MSR kit w/ my PC. I've been following the same procedure from , and am hoping to be able to read the DSM2 serial tonight. I have been pulling out my hair because for the past few nights I was trying to monitor the serial transmissions without level shifting (I did not realize that microchips speak in 0 - 3.3volt, while my PC RS232 is looking for higher voltage than that, so I need to make a circuit to bump up the voltage in the signal coming from the transmitter). Whoops!! I'll breadboard one tonight and hopefully i should be able to read the serial no problem. Once I can read, writing a program to write the DSM2 serial in LabVIEW shouldn't be too bad, and then I'll use my joystick ( Saitek x45 ) to control my Blade MSR.

Sooooo long story short, once I get the above to work (cross fingers), I'll throw an accelerometer on my Blade MSR w/ a tiny simple transmitter, and experiment with flight stabilization. this is all to help me understand the basics, so I can try to tackle more complex projects like my scratch built MAV.

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