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Liverpool police make first UK UAS arrest


MERSEYSIDE police made the first ever arrest in the UK using a flying drone to catch a suspected car thief in thick fog.

It swooped into action in Litherland to find a suspect who was hiding at night in poor visibility.

The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) acts as a flying CCTV and thermal imaging camera.

It was deployed on January 26 when it was reported that two men had stolen a Renault Clio in Bootle.

After a police car chase the suspects bailed out of the Clio.

Officers were able to detain one of the suspects, but struggled to find the second man in the dark.

But using the UAV's onboard thermal imaging technology, its operator was able to use live images of the suspect’s body-heat to direct patrols to the spot by the canal where he was lying.

The force became the first in the UK to trial the drones in 2007, and since then has used them to assist in search and rescue operations, search warrants and to crack down on anti-social behaviour.

They are operated by the force’s anti-social behaviour task force and directed from the ground by remote control, providing the force with a cheaper alternative to the police helicopter when aerial surveillance is needed.

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Hi all,
I have been looking for potential high wing nitro/gas powered pusher model for using as test UAV.


The basic criteria are
1. Pusher preferably powered by .46 - 0.91 nitro or 15 -20 cc gas powered
2. Enough payload space and possible nose space for cam mount that could be retracted.
3. small enough to be portable in a small car
4 , 2 pc wing
5. Single tail boom
6. Fiber glass fus if possible
7. Cheap of course
etc etc
Here is a model I found called Sky arrow , feel free to comment and point to any other similar model. I am also looking for source of this model called Super Drifter posted by Member ( Rana) supposedly made in Germany but I found it also being used in Japan by aerial photography company with some HD camera. I would appreciate if some one can point me to link for source of this Super Drifter/teddy bear plane ( video here ) model aeroplane

Sky Arrow specs
Wing span: 1600 mm / 63 in
Fuselage length: 1300 mm / 51 in
Flying weight: 2300 g / 5 lbs
Wing area : 566 sq in / 36.5

Additional Requirements:
Engine Required: 2c 0.46 cu in
Radio Required: 4channels ; 6 Servos

Top quality wood construction with fiberglass fuselage
Comes with all hardware and accessories



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9.2 inches tip to tip. Will it fly??!!

Rotors pitched to induce nose-up pitch and counter-clockwise yaw

I am beginning to think that this is do-able. it looks very heavy, and i need to do the math to figure out how much thrust I can get out of my brushed motors. I reduced rotor diameter, added a horizontal stab, and added a canopy so it looks more fly-able.

The fun part is almost over, as I need to start diving into the math to make sure this will fly.

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3D Robotics

National Robotics Week


From RobotLiving:

"Coming April 10 – 18 is the first National Robotics Week in the US. It is being launched by an alliance various academic and non profit organizations.

Look for events in your area. Shown below are only some the exciting events coming in April.

Boston, Mass.

  • New England Botball Regional Tournament and New England Botfest, University of Massachusetts Lowell, April 10
  • Robot Block Party, Museum of Science, April 17

Pittsburgh, Pa.

  • Carnegie Mellon University Robotics Institute 30th Anniversary Open House
  • Announcement of the Class of 2010 Robotics Hall of Fame Inductees
  • Carnegie Science Center Café Scientifique Event

San Francisco, Calif.

  • Young Innovators Day, The Tech Museum in Silicon Valley, April 11"
  • Robot Block Party, Stanford University, April 14
  • Robots in Action, Adept Technology, April 16
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Transverse Rotor UAV: Articulating Arm CONCEPT

This is a lunchtime sketch: will make this quick.

Two independent brushed (thinking weight and cost here) motors directly drive counter-rotating rotors.

I used 4x Blue Arrow S0251 micro servos as a template only, for this concept, to drive the articulating rotors for pitch and yaw control.

Cons to this idea? Row will be controlled by variable motor speed control--I wonder if spinning up one motor to roll the craft will cause undesired gyroscopic affects (hence my first concept using bell-hiller). Two motors also will double probability of motor failure mid-flight. I need to use beefier servos for this design, which will add weight and draw more amps.

Pros: less moving parts, simpler and possibly stronger design.

hmm. This concept is 11" wide rotor tip to rotor tip.

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Position & Wind Extended Kalman

Wrote up a wind estimator today. It is based off of a simple model which requires very little inputs from sensors.

psi - true heading (not course over ground)

theta - pitch


GPS lat and long

It is a simple model. The wind model has no dynamics which helps simplify the solution. This asusmption is mostly true beings the wind direction and velocity doesn't change all that much for a given flight. The filter starts off by assuming the soltion is a zero wind scenario and then moves towards reality. It takes about 2-3 seconds to converge.

The non-linear state update equations are as follows:

Pn_dot = Vair*cos(psi)*cos(theta) - Wn

Pe_dot = Vair*sin(psi)*cos(theta) - We

Wn_dot = 0

We_dot = 0

Notice the filter resolves on a wind velocity of 15 ft/s and 090 deg heading.

Pretty slick how quickly it finds a solution.

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Burglars use toy chopper to steal

From News24:

Burglars use toy chopper to steal

2010-02-07 19:33

Taipei - Taiwan police have arrested two men accused of using a toy helicopter to search homes before burgling them, a newspaper reported on Sunday.

Taipei police arrested Chang Chen-cheng and seized the model aircraft, plus stolen goods, at his home, and are searching for his partner in crime Ah Hsiang.

The pair have allegedly committed a dozen burglaries using the toy helicopter, the Apple Daily said.

According to police, Chang and Ah Hsiang would ride motorbikes in North Taiwan to search for suitable victims, then release the toy radio-controlled helicopter.

The helicopter would fly to the window of an apartment, take photos of the inside of the apartment, and send the images to a computer inside the car.

If the photos revealed there was no one in the apartment, Chang and Ah Hsiang would allegedly break in and carry out the burglary, the Apple Daily said.

The helicopter was powered by a battery and measured 21cm and could remain airborne for 12 minutes - with little noise.


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Easy Star Fiberglass Fuse

I'm in the process of making a mold for a easystar fuse. I used the replacement foam fuse from the local hobby shop and mounted it to a board, filled the pushrod channels and servo holes on the outside. Fuse plug is painted and waxed.

I must decide where to install hatches (if any). I still have the removable canopy as a seperate part, and will mold the wing insert seperately.

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Transverse Rotor UAV: Bell-Hiller CONCEPT

I have been moving forward with my project to build a transverse rotor UAV. Here is a quick overview of this Bell-Hiller concept. (Oh, btw this is only a quick sketch done in Google Sketchup, it isn't totally to scale nor have I drawn in the entire structure)

1) Single brushless motor will drive conter-rotating rotors
2) CCPM swash plate will provide additional level of control including roll-control w/o gyroscopic affects.
3) I am using a Bell-Hiller mixing instead of mounting rotors directly to motors (no swash or flybar) and using large servos to control pitch and roll. This will allow for added inherent stability, and I will be able to use much smaller servos

Next step is to verify this design with the community (you), decide how much I can buy off the shelf vs how much I need to build myself, and then start building and working on the electronics portion. As soon as I know how many servos/sensors I'll need, I'll choose a microcontroller and start that parallel project. Stay tuned, I've told too many people about this project to give up now... :-)

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Hear ye! hear ye! On this 5th day of the month of February in the year 2010 it happened, the first get together of the South African Chapter of DIYDrones!

I would say it turned out very successful, starting off very informal then quickly turning in to a storm of ideas lasting quite a few hours. Hopefully the first of many!

Sarel will post some more info on ideas and decisions made.

Thank you to Sarel and Gary!

From left to right: Gary Mortimer, Sarel Wagner (RSA big kahuna), Tiaan Roux.

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Guys , should we have some thing like this( caption contest) going? Any way , diy AP cannot get any better than this , High lights/salient features.
>4 point landing gear, self retraction, auto flaps, self healing too
> no GPS required ,"tail wagging" is automatic (most of the times)
>RTL Works in air and on Land too!!
>Find me is built in. You will never loose it, and if you do , it will come back eventually or high pitch sounder( built-in) will alert you of it location
> Pan and tilt does not require additional channels
> FAA and other regulations do not apply to this airframe operations( conditions apply)
> No spl software or programmers/interface required. Unlimited memory, etc etc
> Voice activation and command language
> Rx is interference proof
> Can win any contest any day any time
What do you think guys?
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There's the current Marcy 3 plan. Unfortunately not enough space to build her. Basically install a fuselage aroundVika 1. It's obsolete but it was the real Major Marcy's plane & we canuse the tail fins as landing gear. No-one knows if She actually flewone or if She just managed it.

The idea with this is to have panels which bolt onto carbon fiber rodsso she can fly with or without the fuselage. To speed up yaw response,the aft propeller tilts inside its shroud without actually moving theshroud. The aft shroud is probably going to be permanently tilted tosome neutral angle & probably tall enough to cover the propeller atnormal angles.

Forward landing gear is removable for hand launches but notretractable. There's a dome under the nose with a slit for a point &shoot camera to tilt inside of but not pan. Dome has to be strongenough to land on.

Propellers are 12x6 which makes the shroud inner diameter 13". Wings & fuselage between the wings & tail are variable length, probably made of removable sections. Aft fins contain CF rods & are used as landing

The exact dimensions are a long way from being known. The more rent increases, the smaller she gets. May use aluminum angle rods because
they're longer.


The next indoor sonar demonstrator, since the monocopter ended up too big & unstable.

Swapped Vika 2's flight computer & shrunk her to the smallest possiblesize to make Marcy 2. She's the smallest vehicle we can make economically. A smaller vehicle using Feigau motors like theParrot demo would be more expensive so it's cheaper to bury our 1 Feigauthan buy 2 more to make a tri rotor. Turnigy/Towerpro 2410-9's are thelow point in motor prices when they're in stock.

Time to get rid of our 3 year old IDG300's. They had troubleinitializing on 1 axis. The pair could still be used in a flat IMU buttheir temperature sensitivity was horrible. Nowadays it's not worthhoarding gyros. They were free samples at a time no-one ever heard ofUAV's. Invensense thought their only use was phone cameras but we knewbetter.

Time to use up the LISY300AL's we got last April in a cube IMU.


The Marcy 1 ground station is basically a scratch built USB radio with 2 channels & a 224khz soundcard, sending 1.8Mbits of telemetry & sonar tothe laptop & 9600bits of commands to the aircraft.

Radio failures explain some of her instability. The Marcy 1 radios havenever performed as well in the fully integrated ground station as theydid in this test:


They sometimes work & sometimes drop out for no reason. There seems tobe no difference between straight dipoles, impedance matching baluns,plastic enclosures, bare circuit boards, low baud rates, isolatingcapacitors, & choke inductors for Vbus.

These radio parameters improved on the reference software.

Set the AFC range to +15/-16 Fres.
Use the highest receive bandwidth.
Use the highest FSK deviation.

The choke inductor on Vbus got rid of a lot of sonar noise.

Stepped up the remote control to 115000 baud but the flight computeronly has enough horsepower for 86000 baud. Now it's coming down tointerference from through hole parts.

She didn't crash there. It's a radio test.

New 900Mhz -> PCM receiver with a balun.

Without wind & with perfect radio contact she can hover in a smallarea. Cyclic effectiveness ramps up with very small magnitude & seemsto decrease with higher magnitude until she falls out of the sky.


Finally ran a stabilization pass on some Steve Morris helmet cam footage to see if it did any good for helmet cam footage. It looks a bit more like flying than clinging to someone's head but he needs a TASE gimbal & a head tracker.

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