What is the best single board computer and autopilot for fixed wing UAV? Without cost limitation
What is the best single board computer and autopilot for fixed wing UAV? Without cost limitation
Read more…What is the best single board computer and autopilot for fixed wing UAV? Without cost limitation
Read more…I have quadcopter F450 RTF assembled
Specification :
Main set size: 490mm x 490mm x 140mm
Diameter (length between two motors not adjacent): 450mm
Propeller size: 10x 4.5 CW &CCW
Take off weight: 850g
Safety take off weight: 1350g
Motor: 980KV brushless
UPDATE (18-05)
Thank you all for your support and your quick responses. I tried landing in asphalt and the results were so much bet
Read more…I have a PixHawk - well, to be honest, I have a 'clone' - a 'FixHawk'. I know I should buy the real thing, but I have this thing now and I would like to use it.
At any rate, it connects via USB just fine and everything seems to work. When I bring u
Read more…I'm in urgent need of some help for a project deadline due next week, please can someone help?
We are using a raspberry Pi to perform image recognition from a UAV. The Idea is that the raspberry Pi is connected to a PixHawk, and will send a 1 if there
I am using APM 2.8..I know it's a clone after bought it.My Quad is
Frame: S-500
Motor: DJI 2212 920 KV
ESC: 40A Skywalker (Hobbywing)
Battery:Gens 5500mAh
TX: Radiolink AT9
Please help me to set PID gain.....
Or anyone give me your S-500 Params
Read more…Hey guys
My buddy and I are new to the drone world.
We had an idea to use drones to fly around with a flag or advertisement of some sort around populated areas.
Here is a link to the survey, if you have additional comments or drone specs that we didn'
Hello Community!
This is my first post so please be kind ;)
I am currently building a Cloud Control Station (SaaS) for my quadcopter which I hope others will find interesting. After testing some existing GCS I find them very... complex and not so user
Read more…I am having a hard time getting apm planner installed on my raspberry pi that will control my quad-copter. is there a raspberry pi image that will just work?
Read more…I plan to build a hexacopter with the Pixhawk flight controller. I was researching it up and found the Pixhawk 2.1 version which comes with a CUBE and EDISON option. Also online on eBay I found a Pixhawk 2.4.8 as well. However, the data available was
Read more…Hello
I'm using Mission Planner (MP) for a copter simulation.
Specifically, I'm creating a QGC formated (.waypoints) file including the home position, the take-off command, the waypoints to follow, some other actions and closing with an RTL command . T
Hi everyone,Im currently writing a program that compares the drone's current location coordinates with the waypoints coordinates so once they match a script is executed. My question is how do i access those waypoints that were loaded to the pixhawk v
Read more…I would like to add a retractable landing gear to my yuneec q500. There are many there and to attach one should not be a problem. The problem is to activate it.
I think ST10+ has no spare channel, but I have a DX6I available.
How can this be done, th
Read more…I am building a hexacopter and will be using PixHawk as the flight controller and a Raspberry Pi for gimbal control as well as image processing. Now I see that I can use a 4s or 6s battery for powering my set up and a BEC can be used to convert the 1
Read more…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1a3W657zKQ
Can anyone please shed some light as to what I need in my drone (Gimbal? Camera?) to capture the data that made this simulation possible where it knows where the camera was pointing to and what is the footpr
Read more…Hello All,
Ive recently built a DJI S1000 with the new Pixhawk 2 and Here GPS. I was initially impressed with the results compared to my previous S1000 builds using the original Pixhawk. It seemed to be less finicky to setup and provided decent result
Read more…Hi everyone, this is my first post on DIY Drones although I have been scouring this forum for years for useful info. I don't even know if I'm posting in the right forum section or not, but hopefully I am. I have always been able to figure out any pro
Read more…Hello!
I am using jMAVSim with qgroundcontrol and Pixhawk on windows.
I was able to connect everything but there is one big problem. The quadcopter on jMAVSim does not fly stably. Whenever I send the Take Off command from qgroundcontrol or manually pu
Read more…I am looking to build a multicopter based on the Tarot 960 hexa frame. I will be using the PixHawk 2.4.9 as the controller. I want to know whether its possible to fit 18" props on them and if yes what is the motor rating I should look at ? I will be
Read more…Hello there,
i am currently evaluating the pros and cons of replacing an Autoquad (AQ) FC with a Pixhawk FC in a existing AQ-quadrocopter system (FC, ESC, etc.). The reason for this is the unavailability of the AQ FC, since they stopped the production
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