I am using cleanflight. On latest firmware(2.0.2) cleanflight don't see barometer(he see gyro and accel). But when i flash firmwre 1.6.х it work well and I see all sensors.
I connected full electric scheme, but baro don't work.
hey guys. so i started my first arduino uno quadcopter build. i am really new to all this tech stuff and am learning stuff on the way. i have a couple of questions for any good soumerian that can help. i would like to point out that im following a st
Would like to create a sensor setup for a glider. Would like to have airspeed, AoA, altitude and glide ratio displayed on a screen. I would greatly appreciate any help. The autopilot boards seem a bit overkill for my project. Has anybody created code
I made some maps showing how many people have registered drones in every county in the U.S. The maps are based on the data that FAA has made available about drone registration.
I made a power supply which can produce -12V according to the data-sheet of LM2576-12. The outputted voltage is 24V and the 0.5A re-settable fuse has been used. Occasionally I found a circuit board which exists
I want to try and implement a Neural Network PID controller to a quad rotor. To start I would like to try it out on a simulation. Does anybody have a good python quadrotor model? Also starting out the simpler the better does anybody have a 2D
I have pixracer communicating with my MCU over telemetry using mavlink protocol. I would like to use it in stabilized mode using roll, pitch, yaw and alt commands.
I am able to set the stabilized mode and arm it, however I am not so sure about
I am a doctoral student and in my project I work on control theory. I want to build a simple quadcopter to test my algorithms on. I have an external camera system (motion capture system), similar to Vicon, to estimate the orientation and posit
I am using dronekit python and the dronekit SITL and after I sent it an RTL command in python when the battery is below level 80, the drone stays in place on APMPlanner 2 and QGroundControl.
Is this normal? One time it actually returned home. But ever
Thank you again for welcoming me into this group. I love drones for their use w/ videotaping me and my friends snowboarding. Is it true that someday they will replace lift chairs w/ drones someday?
Hello all, I want to use the SET_ATTITUDE_TARGET.mode with a companion computer using ROS, in order to test experimental route planning, any of your know can I do this? I´ve read that since arduplane 3.7 is implemented but I can´t fin it. Thanks Jesús
Hi everyone, i have managed to install a pixhawk to my Trex 400 electric helicopter. It flies perfectly stable on stabilize mode however when i switch to rtl, althold or loiter it starts to vibrate in a funny way however it still flies. It can return
I'm interested in utilizing the Serial output NMEA functionality in Mission planner to receive and log raw GPS data. I want to use this approach because we're using RTK GPS, and I want to log additional accuracy estimation data, which is not
A lot can be done to reduce weight on drones, using different materials (complex composite materials or metal alloys). It can allow some weight reduction (but that weight reduction is highly dependant on the precise UAS type) and a subsequent flight