All Discussions (33321)

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Barometer problem?

Hello all,

I'm flying a Tarot hexa over a forest, in a mountain region at around 3000 meters altitude

After some time flying, device start to oscillate in altitude, down , up, down up, and yesterday 
crashed in a cup of a 30 meters pine ( i called

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9 Replies

Problem updating Tarot T4-3d

After updating my Tarot T4-3d and clicking run, the gimbal shaked violently. I have tried calibrating the sensors, and reinstalling the firmware. The gimbal software also shows that the motor channels (pan/tilt/roll) are meching together and are affe

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Pixhawk 2 with q ground control

hello everyone,

I am having a problem with my pixhawk 2.

I am now using Qground control as the software. I am able to arm my quad copter with spektrum DX6 control. But as I push the throttle up, the motor would not spin. All of my four electric motors

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