"To be completely honest, I'm not sure why that's happening. But try to flight the drone first in Stabilize Mode. In one of your logs, it seems that you start in Loiter and go up to 2 m and then crash it. I'm not quite sure how it influences the…"
Judging from your flight log, you have a really high voltage drop. I'm not sure if that's the issue, but going from 24 V to 17 V on launch seems unusual. Maybe the C parameter of your battery is too low, or they are not in good shape. The peak…"
Check this guide and the source code in the bottom of that page. There is some code to execute some actions based on the waypoint the drone is currently heading to. You could store the next_waypoint in a variable and as soon as it…"
Hi,I was flying a new quadcopter on Friday to test the Auto flight mode. I had a successful first mission and I tried to replicate it. Since my last waypoint was facing the opposite direction from takeoff and the RTL kept this heading, I manually…
"Did you configure all your mandatory hardware as mentioned in the documentation? The throttle values sent by your radio seem really weird, unless that was you turning on and off the remote several times.
"It's somewhat difficult to say what exactly happened without more information. The graph is cluttered with radio failsafes and so it changes modes from Loiter to land to RTL and it's not that clear what were you trying to do. Can you detail which…"
By using the Auto Analysis tool from Mission Planner, I got the following results:
Size (kb) 26471.8544921875No of lines 352152Duration 0:24:47Vehicletype ArduCopterFirmware Version V3.2.1Firmware Hash 36b405fbHardware Type Free Mem 0Skipped…"
"I would really appreciate some opinion on what happened based on the flight log posted, since I think it would be useful to have a fresh pair of eyes looking into this issue.
Hi,I've been flying with my large quad for almost a year, and I've never had an issue with the motors, until a couple of days ago. The quad was flying in auto mode in an area where I have already tried a few times, and it was behaving correctly.…
"I copy here the answer from Maxbotix, in case it helps someone else:
You state the following information: The value at which the sonar saturates it's the maximum one (7.64 m). From the picture, you can see that the copter is descending, but it has…"