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So Dude,

i've been browsing about the main concept to get the data stream from APM, we send the message ID to serial port, i try some codes but doesn't work. APM send all message ID randomly, ..

i just need the syntax sample, no matter you use C#, C++,

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MHQ2 Build Components

Hello Everyone,

I'm looking to build my first drone. I want to build the MHQ2, designed by Hovership. Hovership has a build component list, but it is not totally specific. I have a list of the exact products I want to buy, but want to make sure all th

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GoPro HERO 3/ HERO 4 camera

Hi, I have a 3DR IRIS + drone, oPro Hero 4 camera and LiveViewKit for GoPro.
I connect LiveViewKit with a GoPro camera and view the camera's view on my LiveViewKit, but I want to show this view in my custom desktop application (example in c# app).

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Altitude Hold.

Hello everyone i am new to the group. i have a question i need help with. i recently purchased a  DIY 250 racer type drone. Is their anyway i can put altitude hold on it? i dont want to buy another one if i can do this mine! (it was already together

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4 Replies

Pixhawk Software Options

Hi, I am new to Pixhawk and I am not sure about the software which can be used to program Pixhawk. Is Mission Planner the only option? I am a student studying control theory and I need to design my own controller, and therefore I need to implement my

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8 Replies

Naze32 Self Level Mode?

Hello everyone,

I'm looking to get the Naze32 Acro Rev6 Flight Controller for my MHQ2 that I'm going to build. I was just wondering if it's possible to switch it back and forth between self-level mode and acro mode, and if so, how.


This is the l

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Help identifying these components

Okay - so somebody "donated" a partially built project to us and we are trying to move forward on it.

Step one - figure out what we have.

This is supposedly part of a ground station.

The only logos we can find are xbee - which is just a marking where to

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6 Replies

3DR SOLO open source

Hi, I am considering buying a 3DR Solo but I am not sure about what is open source and what is not.

Is buying the 3DR Solo the same as buying a RTF frame with a pixhawk flight controller? Or is there some code which cannot be reprogrammed? I would lik

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