Dusk flight this evening, all going well until I could see the quad swaying about so started to descend at which point, when I could see her clearer, she then starting pitching about too. Anyway, she landed fine, no damage.
i've been browsing about the main concept to get the data stream from APM, we send the message ID to serial port, i try some codes but doesn't work. APM send all message ID randomly, ..
i just need the syntax sample, no matter you use C#, C++,
I just installed a FPV set on my Phantom 2. The set is compose by GOPro Hero3+, immesrion videotrasmitter, Gimbal zenmuse H3-D3, BlackPearl monior. The gimball works weel, but no image appear on the BlackPearl. The question is: wich is the actual
I've just released a new Windows application (it should run under Wine on Linux too) that allows you to connect and communicate with many remote serial terminals connected to XBee clients, all at the same time with a single basestation coordin
I'm looking to build my first drone. I want to build the MHQ2, designed by Hovership. Hovership has a build component list, but it is not totally specific. I have a list of the exact products I want to buy, but want to make sure all th
Hello everyone. I'm quite new to the drone community, and I have zero experience with drone engineering. However, I've had this idea/desire of creating my own unique drone for quite some time to the point I could no longer ignore it. I know how I wan
Hi, I have a Game of Drones kit that I have fully assembled but I can't get the drone in the air. It always just flies off course and I have never been able to make it hover. I was wondering if there is such a thing as a control board that can trim t
Hi, I have a 3DR IRIS + drone, oPro Hero 4 camera and LiveViewKit for GoPro. I connect LiveViewKit with a GoPro camera and view the camera's view on my LiveViewKit, but I want to show this view in my custom desktop application (example in c# app). I
Hello everyone i am new to the group. i have a question i need help with. i recently purchased a DIY 250 racer type drone. Is their anyway i can put altitude hold on it? i dont want to buy another one if i can do this mine! (it was already together
Hi, I am new to Pixhawk and I am not sure about the software which can be used to program Pixhawk. Is Mission Planner the only option? I am a student studying control theory and I need to design my own controller, and therefore I need to implement my
I'm looking to get the Naze32 Acro Rev6 Flight Controller for my MHQ2 that I'm going to build. I was just wondering if it's possible to switch it back and forth between self-level mode and acro mode, and if so, how.
Hi, I am considering buying a 3DR Solo but I am not sure about what is open source and what is not.
Is buying the 3DR Solo the same as buying a RTF frame with a pixhawk flight controller? Or is there some code which cannot be reprogrammed? I would lik
Hi. I just found your site. I'm impressed with the amazing information shared here.
I chose to buy an Xtreem FlyEye for a couple of hundred bucks, as a first time user. All I want to do is to take aerial videos of farming/grazing property .. and perha
I'm doing a group school project and our team needs to buy a drone kit that's capable of adding on a full autopilot system along with a few extra sensors. I'm not very familiar with what's out there to buy and we don't want to commit to a kit