I am writing an article about the science behind gimbal stabilization in drones vs. digital imaging stabilization. Do you know where I can get info of why gimbals work the way they do and why people don't prefer digital stabilization? You can email m
I have almost everytime small issue during take off in stabilize mode @pixhawk and arducopter 3.3. When hexacopter is on the ground and I'm increasing throttle, drone starts to tilt to one side. According to log file, motors one the one side ar
I have a question for yous in the group. I am trying to connect my drone to mission planner. I have the UPAIR One. I have opened it up. Connected the Micro USB to Female USB cable. And attached it to out side of the drone. I have the Male to Male
Atter a year of testing mixed reality drones, here is a peek at Battle game level 1 on a Walkera Aibao. There are actually two trigger buttons on the back for each cannon, not used in level 1.source:http://dronemission.com
I'm a complete newbie to building drones, and I'm looking at this transmitter and receiver combo for my first project. I was looking for something cheap that works. However, I'm slightly confused; after I researched how to connect the
You can now register your drone if you use it for commercial purposes online at the FAA website. You no longer have to complete paperwork for them. Click HERE to their Registration Site, it is simple and takes about 5 minutes.
As stated int he title I need 8 pixracers now, if you know of a webstore that has then in the 48 states and able to ship overnight, please let me know!
Hi, I need help my log file. I made fy680 convert to x8. I have orijinal pixhawk, 10000mah 6s, Atto pilot 180a, 5v bec secondry power for pixhawk, dragonlink rx... I had naza but I sold it. I bought pixhawk and I first fly yesterday. Thanks...
Does anyone know if I update from version 2.8 to the latest 2.9 update 1.0 if UGCS will keep my existing vehicles and profiles? I downloaded the newest version on another laptop and it only shows emulators for my vehicles.
yesterday my hexacopter crashed due to a complete motorstop from about 50 m.
I was flying sideways holding the stick full way to the left in POSHOLD when it happened. After the crash the lights on pixhawk where still on. The logfile says err: cpu 1
i am using my pixhawk on a helicopter model. i have seen that there is a data column called time stamp in the data. but, im having trouble converting this timestamp into millisecond time units. does anyone have a way to convert this time stamp da
Dusk flight this evening, all going well until I could see the quad swaying about so started to descend at which point, when I could see her clearer, she then starting pitching about too. Anyway, she landed fine, no damage.
i've been browsing about the main concept to get the data stream from APM, we send the message ID to serial port, i try some codes but doesn't work. APM send all message ID randomly, ..
i just need the syntax sample, no matter you use C#, C++,
I just installed a FPV set on my Phantom 2. The set is compose by GOPro Hero3+, immesrion videotrasmitter, Gimbal zenmuse H3-D3, BlackPearl monior. The gimball works weel, but no image appear on the BlackPearl. The question is: wich is the actual
I've just released a new Windows application (it should run under Wine on Linux too) that allows you to connect and communicate with many remote serial terminals connected to XBee clients, all at the same time with a single basestation coordin