It's amazingly difficult to find information on this subject.
I'd like to control the pitch, roll, and yaw, of my gimbal (Storm32 controller), from the control outputs of a Fatshark Trinity headtracker (mounted in Dominator V3's), using a Pixhawk, Tar
What do you think of the idea of employing a modded DJI Spark as SAR drone?
My mod of a DJI Spark seems to be the perfect little drone for SAR work in dark and narrow spaces like collapsed mines or buildings after an earthquake, that are inaccessibl
The much anticipated International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2017 was successfully held in Las Vegas, the United States on January 5-8 local time. CES is by far the world’s largest and most widely influential yearly show of consumer electronics
My Name is Ronald and I have some info that might be of interest to most of you. My son Rolen does most of the flight tests for the fixed and rotary drones and UAVs in the region.
Last month he flew the Talon X-UAV and found it to be very unst
TFmini is a milestone for Benewake to promote the process of low cost LiDAR. With its unique optical, structural, and electronic designs, the product possesses 3 major advantages: low cost, tiny volume
I am working on a project which includes an autonomous mission of an hexacopter using PX4, Mission Planner and Python scripting. In this flight, the RC is not necessary and the hexacopter flies just via Python scripting and Mission Planner comma
TF02 is a newly developed product based on the widespread application experience of TF01. It possesses a higher performance and is applicable to more fields. On the basis of preserving multiple advantages from th
Mechanical single channel LiDAR is pretty common in our life, but two problems cannot be neglected, i.e. short life span and high price due to the rotating measurement mode. Benewake launches CE30, a solid-state LiDAR with large FoV. It could simulta
I'm trying to get an octocopter I built to perform well enough on Loiter. Stabilize always works really well, but loiter sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.
It shows toilet bowl-like behaviour, where it spirals out of control. Horizonta
I'm looking for someone in the SF Bay area to work with me to effectively implement a long-range, information harvesting 'information bee' , along the lines of this pioneering work a few years back:
So iv got a solo and the flir vue pro r with a hdmi adapter...... trying to get live video back to the solo but it dose not seem to be working, im powering the flir with a external battery. Please help a newbie out
For sale $750. This is great for taking aerial map photos. I used it on fields after they got done tiling so the farmer would have the exact placement of his lines. I don’t have time for it anymore so sadly I’m getting rid of it. Has a crack in the n
It is my understanding that if I am flying in AUTO MODE and have GPS failsafe set to "2" and the craft loses GPS, it will go into ALT-HOLD mode. And it is also my understanding that it will not "leave" this failsafe mode unless it ge
I have drone with Pixhawk and 3DR GPS. I have placed the GPS on a mast, away from the Pixhawk as instructed in Ardupilot. I would like to know the GPS can be placed inside. I do not want it to be sticking out. I understand that it needs visibility bu
In Geoscan we develop multidimensional spatial data visualization system – Sputnik GIS. It is a great tool for viewing and analyzing wide range of UAV survey results.
I am building a small drone with Afromini as autopilot and OrangeRx R415x as receiver. I would like to know if this receiver is compatible with Futaba 14SG transmitter.
If this receiver is not compatible with Futaba transmitter, can Futaba receiver b
Hi guys for Hex12 or Oct16 copter setup how should I wire my ESCs ? 'since the Flight controller dont have that much ports let alone the premix for it ?