Been away from the group for a while and the quadcopter kinda fell to the back burner but I have been working a lot on options for it as well as a tricopter. I finally got around to editing up a short video with some time lapses and some fl
Hi, I'm new to the idea of 3D in general but I see it's power. I've been playing with Blender 2.6 and know just a little and not enough yet. Anyway, I want to print airfoils and a spar to hold them. I took an airfoil from Xfoil and used it as a ba
Hey everyone. I've updated my design for my 3D printed quad. Changed up a couple things aesthetically, and designed a GoPro mount. There is a lot more I want to change. Such as a canopy over the electronics, an area for a battery strap and some F
Here are some pictures of my almost completed Tri/Hexacopter.
To work around the size limitations, I've made the arms in pieces. They are now actually extendable. The truss design means that they are very stiff, especially in the vertical a