User group for those flying ArduCopter on traditional helicopter platforms
Trex450 with pixhawk miniVbar and RPM sensor.
HelloSeems that traditional heli is fadding off .... I'm trying to check the latest ardupilot traditional heli setup on trex450, in order to later scale up to 550 and 700 helis.i'm puzzeled about using the miniVbar flybarless controler with the pixhawk. i have the pixhawk commanding the FPL controller via SBUS, and lacking the traditional throttle HOLD function.Started with flyber system, and had all work as requested, but on the FBL the throttle comand is working all time, even if the fixhawk…
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Re "can the APM2 be separated by a 50cm cable", and that would be a great help for the trad heli's because you could then mount the APM2 between the landing gear and main body but mount the daughter board on the tail. There would then be no need to buy a separate mag + GPS which is quite a bit more expensive than the daughterboard.
I've never heard of anyone doing this but I've also been thinking about it. The issue is that you need to find a very fine pitch connector for both ends of the cable (unless you were to do it by just soldering very carefully).
Does any body know....
Can Shield board on APM2 be separated by a 50 cm cabel?
Just Flying my new GAUI X5, the best heli made price/quality.
Have an e-Flight 400 3D with the Spectum 6Xi along with a backup radio that has never been flown off a stand. Am thinking(?) of trying to convert over to a Drone. Pros and Cons and any help possible!
@Jeff Re whether Arducopter for TradHeli will work on a helimax AXE CP,
I suspect that the heli has enough power to lift an APM2 but the problem I see is that the AXE comes with a consolidated esc, radio and tail gyro. You'll probably need to remove that completely and replace it with a normal ESC, receive and the APM2. That'll add weight but also a lot of cost.
The other problem is that the AXE has a flybar which we know adds trouble when it comes to doing loiter.
So it might work but it's not going to be completely straight forward.
I have a helimax AXE CP. Is that powerful enough to support the weight of the additional hardware?
APm 2 on traditional heli, any test with this new APM 2 ?
Does any body know how the fast the execution rate of the Ardupilot or Arudcopter software is the with current build without adding more code?
Trad Heli user group members,
Just wanted to let you know that the trex450 mounting plates made from stylish and durable carbon fibre are now available in the diydrones store for $15.
These plus a 3d printed sonar and gps mounts available from shapeways (at cost) can help you get up and running quickly (if you're using a trex450 or HobbyKing clone)
Has anyone tried the latest code? We wanted to try it for stabilize and loiter. Hopefully with navigation. Would there be a problem in flying the latest code with waypoints?