"I used CloudCompare's CANUPO plugin in my dissertation (see p.35) and it worked quite well. Not sure if that's the sort of machine learning you have in mind -- very simple trained classifier."
I went to the FAA website from here in Chile to register my quadcopters, because I'm coming back into the USA with some quadcopters the day after the deadline. I don't mind registering my aircraft, but it would be nice if the FAA could make a…
"Fantastic, addresses most of the power module need that has been inexplicably unfulfilled for so many years! Just had a thought, though -- would be really great if you can make a version of this with a power switch. I know we're all used to it, but…"
"Hi Jaime, I used CANUPO recently to classify a fiber optic cable in a lidar scene and it worked great. Haven't tried it on UAV SfM yet but I imagine it would do pretty well."
"Cool! I've often used http://www.ecalc.ch/xcoptercalc.php, which is similar, but somehow didn't notice that it has temperature and air pressure -- duh!
I wonder if this is an accurate way to answer the pitch vs diameter question... I'm guessing the…"