"Motors are off, current is very very low, so EMI almost at zero. On my tests gimbal is off too (hardware switch). So, there is not so many things on idle mode what can impact compass.
All this tiny things you are talking about is nothing compared to…"
"also, did one more test, do not arm and just rotate on the same place:
magfield on startup: ~250
after rotation on 360: ~500
while rotating on 360 it jumps: 440-560
All tests are inside room.
After I put it on the floor magfield: ~700
Looks very…"
"Randy, thanks for review. I have no idea how to catch the source if this noise. I'm using HMC5983 - http://goo.gl/uAS2Mx ... Any ideas how to catch it?
I aways get error (without arming, just on ground) Error compass variance. Magfield without…"
"Compassmot almost at zero. Also, do not see any problems on flying. On one copter I had a very huge compassmot results, and I even can't fly without errors (and landing as failsafe). Here, I do not see any troubles while flying."
"What does it means:
Test: Compass = FAIL - Large change in mag_field (79.86%) Max mag field length (644.89) > recommended (550.00)
Any hints how to solve it?"
"Why do I constantly get "error compass variance"? I'm testing on table, without arming, no 3d fix. Just connected and moving around. Also, on Mission Planner I see heading very slowly moving around while copter stand still. What is it?"