"I have had mixed results with the HK versions so made my own for the "ground end", using FT231XS chip (works better for me on Android that CP2102). Uses HM-TRP module (I already make modules for my airborne system.
My frustrations are over ;)"
"It's not for a drone ;)
But apart from that, yes it works very nicely! The MPU9150 I had here has since gone to the bin !
I have BNO055 in 4 projects now"
"I have had more than 50 modules (433 MHz) from HK. I could get a few of them to connect to 3DR radios, some of them only sporadic, most of them no connection at all. The HK modules would happily connect with other HK modules.
I have my own developed…"
"Excellent Jake, very nice!
I'll tune my spectrum analyzer onto my radios in a couple of days here and see how bad they behave (I have a large selection of 3DR, HK and HM-TRP modules on my own hardware).
"Hi Jake,
yeah I know that is probably the proper way to do it, but I just can't stop thinking that "if"....
I had it compile ok, just had some strange problems with make.exe that is not compatible with the one it is made with....."
"I have sort of the same problem on my own boards (used in turbine powered modelplanes). I have a MS5611 on a board, and sometimes I see altitude drop because of pressure buildup inside the airframe (depends on the type of plane etc). I had a friend…"
"My thoughts exactly Jake!
I'm still struggling with the compile environment for the radios, I have it almost up and running (some problem with the version of make.exe I'm running (doing it all under windows)
Once I have enough spare time..."
"I have tried this with success (non flight, just in lab) on 2 x 3DR radios and a HM-TRP module on my own hardware.
Used this firmware (MPSiK 2.5)
Follow the description about setup etc from the RFD users guide (Node numbers etc)MPSiK V2.5…"
"Got it now (and as a bonus I found out some things about Mavlink ;)
I need to send the complete frame to the radio to get it to react:
FE 09 4E 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 02 03 51 04 03 1C 7F
The radio answers back with two frames:
FE 09 0A 33 44 A6 00…"
"I need to send the full frame to the radio in order to get it to respond anything. I'm using Sik 1.9 on both ends (3DR radio at one end (where I inject the message) and a Hope-RF in my own module in the remote end.
Independent of the remote radio is…"
I have a feeling that I might not understand mavlink completely (is there some framing to take place/CRC etc?)...
I have set both the radios to: