I'm primarily working with multicopters and planes for remote sensing, but using ground vehicles to carry a sensor package and autonomously map the inside of a building or an outdoor area has come up several times as something that would be v
Is anyone doing multi-processor processing of aerial imagery on Pix4D or other software? I would like to up our processing capacity by acquiring low-cost (sub $6000) processing hardware that can run multiple instances of Pix4D.
After verifying that FBWA works great on my Skywalker, we were trying out auto mode. We tried with two flight plans, one with a takeoff waypoint and one with 3 nav waypoints, and then one with 3 nav waypoints. The altitude was set to 60m. We have NOT
I'm trying to figure out the best way to enable a NEX 5T to shoot images through the bottom of my Skywalker 1900 carbon tail fuselage. I was considering cutting a hole for the lens and covering it with Lexan, but I feel like the Lexan will ge
I'm looking for cable extensions for various pieces of the PX4 hardware (GPS, telemetry, alarm, and arm button). The stock cables that come with the equipment are too short for me to place the components in a place that makes sense on a Skywal
I'm trying to create photomosaics of urban areas, and am having a difficult time reconstructing the roof edges. These houses are particularly hard since they were designed by architects specially, and have some funky geometries and sharp edges
I've successfully tagged JPGs, but when I try to tag TIF/RAW images I get an error that there are no pictures in the folder. Can Mission Planner only tag JPGs? And how can I work around this?
I'm having some issues getting the NEX 5T with a 19 mm Sigma lens to focus well while in the air. I'm using the intervalometer app with aperture priority shooting straight down in sunny conditions. I think the autofocus is struggling due to th
TL;DR: We want a digital photography and photostitching consultant for setting up our business - if you can help or know where we can find an expert that would be awesome!
I'm an engineer currently working for a U.S. based startup working on creati
I'm having some issues getting the correct altitude value to write onto the picture EXIF file. I seem to be getting relative altitude as my output onto the photo. Further, it is not outputting any info to the first 4 photos, and I'm getting massive e
I was recently approached by someone wanting to make a light map of an area. The light readings would be correlated with some sort of spatial data to ensure there is appropriate levels of light througho