Just flown a mapping mission with the camera triggered using cam_trigg_dist and an IR trigger, but I'm getting a discrepancy between the number of images in the folder, and number of cam trigger events in the log.
My mission planner v1 takes about a minute to start connecting after I click connect. I think it's related to me having quite a few com ports set up on the pc, as I have a bunch of bluetooth modules I connect to periodically. Is there any connection
I have a Pixhawk powered quad here which will slowly yaw clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on the current heading. It seems if the heading is less than 180 degrees, it will yaw anticlockwise, and if it's more than 180 degrees it will yaw clock
I have a weird issue on only one of my APM2.5 boards where in alt hold, the copter will climb when I move forwards, and drop when I move backwards. This climb/drop happens as soon as input is given.
Is it possible that I have a bad board? I am having
I've started seeing a problem with my copter, where the OSD will initially work, but once I take off, it will repeatedly flash 'requesting datastreams' and then reconnect and work for anywhere between 5 and 30 seconds, before repeating. It never does
Can the default file path that the 'Create KML + GPX' please be changed to the last path used rather than defaulting to program files\mission planner\logs?
I upload my logs directly from my tablet to google drive, so every time I want to create a KML
I'm running version 1.4.17, and I have 'log to file; checked and it says 'log all packets to /sdcard/andropilot. When I open andropilot it comes up with a message saying 'usb link logging'. I have a 3dr radio d
I've just loaded new firmware on to my APM2.5 and restored my saved parameters for this setup, but the voltage reading is displaying lower than it really is. Eg mission player will display 16.2V when the true voltage is 16.6V.
I've got a problem with my copter where it will drop in altitude, following a forward or backwards movement. It will recover back to the original altitude once I stop. The drop is generally around a meter, and it is a gradual drop.
I had my first loss of control crash today, I'm running 2.91 on an APM2.5 quad.
I'm using a frsky module in a turnigy 9x radio running er9x, and the receiver is a D8RII+ running the new 27ms firmware in PPM mode. I have had about 10 hours of trouble f
I see that with the latest firmware, the 3DR radios default to 57600 baud rate. Is there any advantage or disadvantage to setting them to 115200? Less range or reliablility?
I see rctimer is selling these for $63, and it looks to have pretty similar hardware spec to the APM2. It says that it supports Multiwii and MegapirateNG code.
After my oilpan died the other day, this looks like a worthy secondary board to have a go w
My compass has just started to spin in Mission Planner, and provide erratic readings, however if I go into CLI and run the compass test, it says that its holding its heading perfectly. I can't fly with the compass doing this, as it messes with the ya